‘Underachievement’ is now a widely used term in education policy and
practice. It is used routinely to refer to nations, home nations and regions,
to types and sectors of schooling, to physiological, ethnic and social groups,
and to individuals. It has been used to mean simply low achievement, also lower
achievement relative to another of these groups, and also lower achievement
than would be expected by an observer. The paper presents examples of each.
These multiple uses lead to considerable confusion which, coupled with common
errors in assessing the proportionate difference between groups, mean that
significant public money has been spent attempting to overcome problems that
may not, indeed, exist. Where underachievement is understood to mean a lower level
of achievement by an individual (or group) than would be expected using a model
based on the best available predictors, then there is nothing we can know about
underachieving individuals (or groups) that they have in common. This article
is written to respond to the argument made by Donald Gillie from University of
Strathclyde in his article titled “Educational potential, underachievement, and
cultural pluralism”.
In basic terms, underachievement is seen as a discrepancy between a
student's academic potential and how he or she is actually performing in
school. This potential is often revealed through performance on intelligence
and achievement tests, as well as observational data. In his article David
Gillie argues that underachievement occurs mainly because of the cultural
influence that deter students to realize their true potentials. Donald Gillie also stress that students are
from minority background are the main group that suffers from this problem.
However on the basis of his argument, Donald Gillie describes that the
difference between achievement and attainment that according to him are two
different situations.
The writer also trying to relate Foucalt Critique in order to prove his
basis. The technique which is used for archeology method is to examine and
unpick discourse at a particular period and in a particular field of humanity,
in such a way to uncover its presuppositions. The technique is logical however
need a deeper understanding to prove the hypotheses.
The foucaldin method would involve subjecting the discourse of
underachievement to an analysis which both probed the assumptions inherent in
the ‘system of thought’ upon which it
rests, and seek to trace its emergence in terms of the practice which has given
it birth. The technique is logical to prove that the underachievement is indeed
In the later part of the article, the writer also defines the exact
meaning of ‘potential’. According to him potential is the key tenet in
educational provisions. His argument that how to measure the exact potential
that can be achieved by someone? This is also a valid argument because to
describe someone’s potential is seem impossible.
In his argument of ‘underachievement’ the writer also relate another term
into his basis of argument which is ‘under attainment’. What the
underachievement concept seeks to suggest, therefore is that such differential
attainment can, in some way, in certain circumstances and for certain students,
be seen as out of line with a ‘true’ level ability or performance, that the
level attained does not meet the expectation.
In the last part of the article, the writer trying to relate the main
point of the article which is ‘underachievement’ cause by race relation and
cultural difference. This argument might be valid if the situation is assessed
in western countries but not in Asian country for example Malaysia. The
minority here for example does not suffers the underachievement problem
entirely. However this is only my hypotheses.
Race Relation and Cultural
Trying to relate underachievement problem with race relation or cultural
difference for me is not a very strong hypotheses. To prove this the Foucalt
Technique can be used to measure the problem areas and relate it to the
political situation. As a clear example given in the last paragraph,
underachievement can also be trace back to incompetence government policy such
as the affirmative action used by Malaysian government.
Thus relating the main issue which is underachievement to race relation or cultural difference is
controversial for me. The hypotheses not only very weak supported but also can
be disapproved by studying the problem in the wider aspects or areas.
Minority is not the only group that have faced, been immersed in, and
judged by, educational systems at best ignorant of, and worst inimical to,
their way of life, their values, and their perspectives, history have shown
that even a majority race in some country also suffers from the problematic
underachievement issues.
Underachievers also expressed more concerns regarding the lack of
attention to multicultural education in their classes, which contributed to
their lack of interest in school.
Using teachers to define underachievement presents some problems if
teachers lack objectivity or training in gifted education and multicultural
education. Teachers tend to have lower expectations for minority and low income
students than for other students (Hale-Benson, 1986). Consequently, minority
students may not be identified as either gifted or underachieving. Low teacher
expectations for minority students may relate to a lack of teacher training in
both multicultural and gifted education. Such unprepared teachers are less likely
to refer minority students for gifted education services or to complete
checklists favorably. When students do not have access to appropriate
education, they have difficulty reaching their potential. The result may be
underachievement due to disinterest, frustration, and lack of challenge.
Some researchers have noted how minority students' learning styles may
contribute to underachievement. Specifically, research indicates that Black
students tend to be field-dependent, visual, and concrete learners (Hale-Benson,
1986), whereas schools teach more often in verbal, abstract, and
decontextualized ways (Ford, 2000) Thus,
mismatch between learning styles and teaching styles can result in confusion,
frustration, and underachievement for gifted minority students.
Excessive use of competition can also hinder students' achievement,
damaging academic motivation and educational engagement. Given the more social
and less competitive nature of minority students (e.g., Hale-Benson, 1986),
competition can heighten students' anxieties, lower their achievement
motivation, and lower their academic and social self-concepts.
“The Changing Status of the Teaching
Primary school
teachers can only look back in amazement at the changes of the past 30 years.
In the 60s and 70s, the prevailing educational philosophy entailed a
child-centred curriculum, where the boundaries of academic subjects and
timetables could be blurred by project work and the integrated day. Much store
was set by children's learning through 'doing', and enjoyment was considered an
important motivator. Tests for selective schools (the 11 plus) were widely
rejected as unreliable and unfair and the detail of the curriculum was decided
locally, by local education authorities, schools and individual teachers;
education was 'a national service, locally administered' and teachers were
trusted to ensure children learnt the right things at the right time. Today,
the survivors from that era are teaching in schools where every hour is tightly
controlled via a detailed curriculum based on traditional school subjects and
driven by testing and school league tables.
However, if some
teachers look back on a golden age of professional autonomy, many found the
experience overwhelming, especially the recently qualified. New teachers often
had insufficient practical knowledge and there was little in-service support;
professional autonomy could feel lonely. The core of primary teachers'
preparation was a 'scholarly' education. It was considered that if teachers
were educated people, then the ability to do the job of teaching would follow.
For many, however, this essential practical learning did not begin until they
had been appointed as qualified teachers! The system was increasingly
criticized, even by teachers.
2.0 HOW
Teaching is a
very desirable profession, it is a job that will not only stand the test of
time, but is also rewarding to help students achieve their potential. However,
it is a career path that is also ever changing, and questions over technology
and its influence on teaching is continually debated amongst teachers,
academics and even parents.
New technology
and learning methods have changed the method of teaching in schools, and the
standards that teachers need to aspire to are also changing rapidly. Fifty
years ago there was no need for computer classes, though now it is essential to
teach children and students how to use such technology that will become an
active tool not only in their everyday life, but also in their future work
The way that
children learn themselves has also changed. Teachers that have been in the
profession for many years have commented that over the years children have
become more difficult to manage and it has become harder to keep them focused
on tasks in the classroom. There has been the argument that with constant
interaction with technology and the influence of the TV shows, children are
becoming more used to learning visually and in a way that is entertaining to
them. Teachers therefore find they need to adapt the classic learning
techniques and lesson plans they have been trained in, and bring new and more
modern ways of learning to schools, in order to get the most out of the students.
schools are restricted in creating lesson plans that involve the use of
technology due to the lack of funding and equipment they receive, and many do
say that the old ways of learning are actually the best suggesting that
students are at school to learn and not have fun. This is a very old fashioned
and backward view to have. Society is moving forward and so are schools and
methods of education.
Very pessimistic
people will claim teaching is something people do as a second choice of their ideal
and preferred career and so they are not truly motivated in what they do. It is
true that anyone with a university degree can take further qualifications to
become a teacher, though they need to be passionate about teaching as well as
adaptive to new situations with the changing methods and learning techniques
being introduced to keep students interactive and interested in their studies.
Teachers also follow a curriculum and really need to act as a guide to their
students, which is something that is very unlikely to change over time.
The very purpose
of education is to prepare students for their futures and as society is
progressing at such a fast pace, technology is going to be a key element to the
future of the students, in everyday life as well as in their prospective work
environments. Teachers should try their best to keep their students engaged
with adaptive lesson techniques, using technology where ever possible to keep
them interested and keen on their studies.
Teachers in
developing nations face numerous obstacles in the pursuit of their profession.
Many developing nations do not have enough teachers to cope with the rising
demand for education and the increased number of students in classrooms. Teachers
in developing nations often do not possess college educations and many more
have no pedagogical training. Even educated and reasonably well-trained
teachers often have students in their classrooms who speak multiple languages
or have disabilities, and these teachers are usually ill-equipped to instruct
these students. Practical issues such as a lack of teaching resources,
facilities, or transportation often plague teachers in developing countries and
hinder their effectiveness. Even with the best of intentions and the most
passionate commitment to teaching, teachers in developing countries have many
barriers that significantly hinder them from providing quality education to
their students.
The increased
demand for education creates a parallel demand for teachers, and both demands
present a tremendous number of challenges to world education. Many nations,
particularly developed nations, will be faced with large numbers of teachers
retiring in the next decade, and filling the spots left by these experienced
and qualified teachers will be a challenge. Developing nations in general will
not see mass amount of teachers retiring in the future; their teacher quantity
concerns stem more from rising rates of school enrollment and a lack of
teachers in general.
countries are at a particular disadvantage when it comes to teacher quantity.
Obviously, potential teachers need to be well-educated with sound backgrounds
in pedagogy in order to qualify for teaching positions. However, in many
developing nations, higher education levels among citizens remain low and there
simply is not a large number of people who are educated enough to be teachers.
The challenge in many developed nations is finding educated people who are
interested in becoming teachers: for developing nations, the challenge is often
educating interested people in order that they may become teachers.
teachers in developing countries may possess secondary and tertiary education
but not have any specific pedagogical training prior to beginning a teaching
position; nor do they have continued teacher education support and training
available during their teaching careers. Of particular importance is a broad
pedagogical approach: Atlbach (1987) said, "Virtually no one advocates providing
teachers with education in their subject specialties alone — all stress the
importance of a distinctive training specifically for teaching"
To someone
living in a less developed country, education is a requirement that sometimes
seems mundane. A college student for example, might find that waking up at the
crack of dawn for an 8:00 a.m. class is the hardest thing in the world. Then in
class the teacher hands out a pop quiz. Day ruined and it’s only just begun. What
we often don’t realize though, is that challenges like these that college
students face are struggles that millions of people would give anything to deal
College is
unheard of for many in less developing countries and achieving just a basic
education is far more challenging than one might imagine:
17% of the total adult population is illiterate
and over 775 million adults lack minimum literacy skills.
Around 67.4 million children aren’t even in
school and twice that number is illiterate.
These numbers
are a tragic result of countries being plagued by struggles such as poverty
accompanied by high population growth, economic weakness, a lack of qualified
teachers, and years of civil or territorial conflict among other problems.
Poverty is the
main challenge for people getting an education in less developing countries.
When half of the world’s population lives on $2.50 or less per day—that’s about
half of what a large latte costs—sources of incomes for these impoverished
people usually generate from farming, agriculture, and products sold in
markets. Adults work hard for very little and struggle to provide for their
growing families. They can’t afford to send their children to school, so they
send them to work instead to earn extra income— in total, about 166 million
children worldwide are forced to work. This means that they aren’t learning to
read and write or do basic math—skills that enable a person to improve their
own wellbeing and economic situation.
weaknesses in developing countries stem from the poverty-stricken people. The
economy suffers when the people don't earn enough money to spend or pay taxes
to help the government’s funds. The funds that the governments have are
primarily used for defense, and education often gets left out of the spending.
As a result, the quality and efficiency of education suffers. Because of this,
there is a lack of schools and qualified teachers—and the ability to pay them.
Teachers teach
what they know. In less developing countries the schools educating future
teachers are using insufficient curriculums creating an ongoing cycle of
low-quality education. Students don’t learn how to properly read or do math, or
the importance of hygiene and other basic skills. The literacy statistics for
developing countries show that even after five years of primary education,
close to 50% of students remain illiterate, and many drop out because there
really is no reason for them to stay in school when they could be making an
These are just a
couple of challenges that people face when getting an education in developing
countries. Poverty and all that comes with it is not easy to overcome, but
progress is being made. Compared to 40 years ago, the number of illiterate
people worldwide has dropped. Unfortunately though, 98% of people in the
developing world today struggle with illiteracy.
It is always
controversial to try and define ‘great teaching’ because it is equally (if not
more) controversial to attempt a definition of a ‘great education’. Unlike
medics with their stark binary measures of life and death, we can only deal
with proxies such as exam grades, but it’s important that we keep fighting for
clarity around teacher quality if we want to be rewarded for being good at our
jobs rather than simply taking on ever-longer lists of responsibilities.
Teacher quality
is an unclear and often-contradictory area in research. While some studies
suggest that good teachers can be spotted from characteristics of leadership,
perseverance, sense of mission and prior academic achievement, the evidence is
weak. Subject knowledge appears to make little difference in most areas, and
there are few practices that every great teacher appears to share.
Single-person observations have been shown to be relatively unreliable and even
measures of ‘value-added’ in test scores appear to be unstable and poorly
correlated with quality of teaching.
progress is being made in this area. The multi-million pound research project,
Measures of Effective Teaching carried out by the deep-pocketed Gates
Foundation showed that when student perceptions are mathematically combined
with value-added indicators and two or more observation-ratings from trained
observers then we begin to reach a reasonable level of reliability. With
ever-improving understanding of how to judge teaching quality we now need to
focus on how to help teachers improve.
5.1 How to foster great teaching
ways of looking at this problem produce identical conclusions. The first is to
consider the growing body of literature on general expertise that suggests that
mastery is gained through thousands of hours of deliberate, focused practice
combined with clear feedback, expert advice and time for reflection.
second is to look at the literature around how effective practices identified
in research become embedded in every frontline practice. In medicine,
education, criminal justice and social care the conclusions are consistent: sustained
cycles of implementation over long periods, constant interaction between
professionals, rigorous and on-going evaluation, feedback, adaptation and
final approach is to examine the growing research around the types of teacher
professional development that result in improved outcomes for students. Once
again this shows that these processes are sustained (at least 50 hours in
repeated cycles), supported and challenged by experts, targeted at improved
learning outcomes (rather than solely on changed teacher behaviours),
collaborative and constantly evaluated.
lessons are unambiguous, and yet the vast majority of teacher professional
development remains superficial, isolated and one-off, and almost always
lacking the sustained challenge and on-going evaluation and feedback that is
called for. As a result, teachers rarely make significant improvements in skill
and schools barely ever undertake the rigorous analysis that would enable them
to notice.
Teachers got in
to the job to help children learn and grow, so when they are forced to take on
ever more managerial tasks to get any sense of growth there is an inevitable
tension. Indeed, the main reasons cited for leaving the profession (ignoring
issues around personal circumstance) are workload and stress along with wanting
change and wanting new challenge.
We need to
ensure that we can nurture and retain the talent in our profession while
improving outcomes for pupils. It seems very clear that in order to do that we need
to make significant changes to career progression and professional development:
Firstly reform
professional development so that it is focused on helping pupils learn and so
that it is collaborative, sustained, evaluated, and aimed and achieving teaching
Secondly we need
to introduce new models of career progression where administrative and
leadership roles are only one of three main strands, the other two being a
succession of increasingly senior general teaching practitioner levels and a similar
succession for specialist teachers (e.g. mathematics, geography, literacy, SEN,
assessment, etc.).
There are some
encouraging signs that the system is gradually moving in the right direction.
Teaching Schools are a welcome addition to the education landscape by ensuring
that clusters of schools can develop specialist leaders of education, focus on
research and development, carry out collaborative professional development,
identify untapped talent and potential and find more opportunities for progression
within a large and more flexible alliance.
The sooner these
strands come together the better. Other countries such as Korea, Canada,
Singapore and Australia are much further along the path of CPD and career
reform than we are, but our need for great teachers to reduce educational
inequality is even greater given that the gaps in attainment between our most
and least disadvantaged pupils are larger. It’s time for organizations across
the educational spectrum, whether charities or unions, schools, subject
associations or government agencies, to come together and move decisively
toward a better and more effective teaching profession.
High school.
Those two words can nostalgically bring out the best and the most tragic
memories in anyone’s life. For me, I can say that those years were anything but
ordinary, at times they were terrifying, at times they were incredible, at
times they were chaotic, but they were always beautiful. All my five years at SMK
St. Mary have been both life altering and amazingly valuable. I never expected
to learn from or take so much away from attending high school, but I soon
discovered that I was going to be proven absolutely wrong.
For a long time
procrastination was my vice and I certainly was guilty of it. Starting in the form
one, I always did my homework at the last possible minute and never scheduled
my time well or at all for that matter. Inevitably soon enough, my grades
started slipping as proven by my first progress report. That was when I
realized that I have to proactively do something, slacking was just not going
to cut it. At St. mary, there were no teachers chastising you if you didn’t do
your work, you were your own responsibility, the message was something
like…welcome to the real world. After much trial and error, I decided the next
year to use my planner that I each learner received every year. That helped me
immensely, and I always hated the idea of planning until I learned that
sometimes it’s completely necessary. From that small but significant epiphany,
I learned one of the most difficult concepts: time management. I now use my
planner every day and have never missed an assignment. This has really prepared
me for college because there isn’t anyone who will make you do anything, you
have to fight temptations and put your priorities in order, just as I did
during my five years at St. Mary. I discovered that you ultimately are your own
responsibility; you always have a choice whatever one you choose in the end is
entirely up to you. You can sit on your bum and do nothing or you can do what
you feel needs to be done, and I chose the latter.
Throughout my
hectic high school years I have also grown a lot personally and socially. When
I first came to St. Mary in the form one I was a timorous, quiet and lost
adolescent. I was really reserved at first, but being thrown into the
craziness, and altogether weirdness, that is St. Mary it was impossible to be
shy and just stand in the corner. Community was displayed consistently, and
everyone knew each other, not like other schools that are so immense that
people don’t even know everyone in their graduating class. I mean, I’m
graduation a year early but I still know everyone in the graduating class. St.
Mary is like a big family, facilitators are more like friends or big brothers
and sisters. There isn’t a generation gap between anyone; we’re all just living
in the chaotic peacefulness and enjoying every minute of it, well most of time
anyways. And consequently I talk all the time, sometimes exceedingly so, and am
not afraid to be who I am. I learned the beauty of individuality and owning who
you are. This was tested when I attended my first college class when I was finish
my secondary school. It was English 1A and every ounce of my being was telling
me to revert back to my timid ways, but being from St. Mary I no longer could.
Almost everyone in the class was twice my age, but it didn’t matter. I didn’t
have any problems communicating or socializing with anyone. I even had group
projects and even formed study groups, I wasn’t afraid to be my eccentric,
goofy but sweet self. The greatest part was seeing the mouths of the college
student’s drop when I said that I was only 18. One person in particular,
although we were at least three decades apart in age, told me that I looked
young but he thought I was at least 21 years old because of the maturity I
possessed and how I carried myself. That was one of the best complements I have
ever received.
Moreover, one of
the most important lessons that I have really garnered over my lovely high
school experience was the ability to think and make decisions for myself. I
used to be so wrapped up in what others wanted or expected, but in high school
I was given the chance to be independent and make choices that were right for
me. I was even able to choose the classes I wanted to take and create my own
schedule. An example of a personal decision presented itself since the form three.
I secretly wanted to graduate high school a year early but I was initially
afraid that my plan wouldn’t fall through. When I entered high school I
realized that I can do what I felt was best for me, I wanted to have a chance
to experience life outside of a classroom before I devoted myself to college
fulltime. And now I am indescribably ecstatic to say not only am I graduating a
year early, but that I visualized a future for myself and I am in the process
of fulfilling it. St. Mary presented me with unique opportunities that I
pursued and I cannot imagine that I would have completed my goal at another
high school.
I went into a
cultural shock when I attended St. Mary. For example, group projects were a
foreign concept to me because at a normal school group projects are usually
avoided due to lack of time and togetherness. But there are many chances to
work together with your peers and one of the most challenging times presented
itself in my honors physics class. We were assigned rollercoaster projects and
our groups were designed without our input, much like how it is in the real
world. In the beginning my group was a mess because we clashed on almost every
decision. But as time went on we started to negotiate corroboratively and
somehow incorporate everyone’s diverse ideas to create our roller coaster. I
was able to participate as a leader as well as a team member and as a result my
team finished the project first, received an A and I learned, from a valuable
experience, how to respect and appreciate others and their opinions.
Another thing I
discovered about St. Mary is to survive in this school you need to know how to
use technology, and use it well. There isn’t a class for computer competency;
it’s a lesson you must learn for yourself without a specific structure or
lesson plan. From experimenting with the plentiful accessible computers
provided I was able to learn how to use different programs and engage in the
community by asking my peers how to do things I didn’t know. Before I came to St.
Mary I barely knew how to use a computer. I knew only the basics: how to type a
paper on Word and print it out. Now I know and have competent computer skills
such as using Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, and Publisher. During my first year
at St. Mary, I figured out how to create a brochure on AIDS for a health class
using Microsoft Publisher and have successfully made about 5 since, I actually
think that making brochures are really fun now. I also know how to make a
PowerPoint presentation, which came in handy when I created one for my college
History class; the presentation was equipped with video, images, and
animations. Thanks to the skills I acquired at St. Mary, I got an “A” on that
assignment and am a pro at creating PowerPoints and handling a computer.
In conclusion,
it is nearly impossible to sum up all the things that I learned from and while
attending high school at St. Mary. I have acquired many academic, as well as
social skills and improvements. High school generally imposes educational
growth and I didn’t expect that I’d grow this much as a person. Of course I
still have plenty to learn, but I feel like I have accomplished something kind
of fantastic. I don’t know what other priceless lessons I will learn during the
rest of my senior year, but what I know now is that the qualities I developed
and the lessons I have learned thus far can best be described in this quote by Randolph
Silliman Bourne:
“no matter what we have come
through, or how many perils we have safely passed, or how many imperfect and
jagged - in some places perhaps irreparably - our life has been, we cannot in
our heart of hearts imagine how it could have been different. As we look back
on it, it slips in behind us in orderly array, and, with all its mistakes,
acquires a sort of eternal fitness, and even, at times, of poetic glamour.”