17 Jan 2023

Tourism Marketing







1.      Tourism marketing is the collective name given to the various marketing strategies used by businesses within the tourism industry. This includes, for example, hotels and other forms of accommodation, along with airlines, car rental services, restaurants, entertainment venues, travel agents and tour operators.


a)      What makes tourism marketing different from product marketing? Explain each point with appropriate examples.

Marketing is the communication process by which a firm intends to promote and sell its products or services to targeted customers. It includes a wide range of media channels and strategies used to influence consumer purchasing decisions. Essentially, marketing is an umbrella term under which we include advertising, sales promotion, public relations and direct mail campaigns. Although marketing has become an integral part of society, there are some who find it confusing. For example, what makes tourism marketing different from product marketing? To answer that question, we'll first outline the three main components of any marketing campaign.

Effective tourism marketing depends on being willing to meet the needs of your prospective customers. For example, a travel agent will try to match interested consumers with the most suitable destinations for their budget and interests. In this way, she'll help her clients make informed purchasing decisions. On the other hand, a restaurant owner stocks frozen foods for foodservice establishments and general merchandise for his retail outlet. He does this because he knows his target market - retail consumers - require quick, convenient meals.

Many forms of marketing speak to the customers' interests and needs in different ways. For example, direct mail is considered an indirect form of marketing because it targets prospects directly via non-communication channels such as email and telemarketing. Instead of selling products directly to consumers, direct mail agencies market services such as database management or mailing lists to business enterprises. The businesses then use the lists to target potential customers - consumers - with specific needs and interests via direct mail campaigns such as birthday or holiday newsletters. In this way, the companies offer information or incentives relevant to the interests of their target market(s) and promote their business to potential customers outside their country.

International marketing focuses on promoting your business to potential customers outside your country. For example, if you own a clothing store in San Diego, California, you would target tourists who visit your city by providing information pamphlets in major international airports and hotels in London and Paris. You would also plan trade shows where you exhibit your clothing line to potential international customers. If English isn't the first language of most international shoppers, your trade shows would provide an excellent opportunity for you to meet these customer needs with sign language interpretation and sales representatives who speak both English and the guest's native tongue.

As can be seen from what has been presented above, marketing is one of the most complex fields within business. Understanding how exactly different forms of marketing influence customer decision-making is key to creating successful commercial products or services. Ultimately, any form of marketing requires a firm's willingness to understand the needs of its prospective customers if it wishes to gain success in its business endeavors.


b)     What do you understand of the word excursionist? Elaborate FOUR (4) reasons why a tourist stays more than 24 hours in a country.

Excursionism is the act of traveling outside of one's hometown. Some people do it for work and education. People also do it for business and leisure. The word 'excursiton' is formed by combining the two words 'excursion' and 'adventure.' A vacation is an excursion; the difference is that a travel destination is chosen by the traveler, whereas a workplace trip is usually organized by the travelers themselves.

Excursionists are people who go on trips outside of their hometowns. The most common form of excursionism is tourism, which includes both short-term and long-term trips. There are also educational excursions, such as camping or hiking expeditions. Some people go on solo trips and call these 'life-expectancy' adventures. There are also social expeditions where groups of people go on trips together- this can be done through a club or through an organization. An expedition can be dangerous, but they're also fun when done correctly.

People use varying reasons to go on excursion- some do it to relax and have fun, while others do it for business purposes or education. Excursionists can see a lot of things that people in their hometown cannot- for example, they can see scenery that other people only experience in their dreams. They can also meet new people and learn from those experiences. Many people travel because they want to broaden their worldviews and discover new cultures. For these reasons, traveling is a hobby that's open to everyone.

For tourist who stays more than 24 hours in a country, there are four (four) reasons are commons:


1.      When a person decides to visit another country, he does so for a number of reasons. Frequently, the reason for visiting another country is to learn about its culture, history and traditions.

2.      In addition, people travel for leisurely enjoyment or business. When traveling for business, people tend to stay in one location for a long period of time. This is referred to as long-term tourism and can range from several days to several months.

3.      Tourists who spend more time in a place stick around longer than others. This is because they learn more about the area and have more time to spend money.

4.      Lastly, long-time residents find that visitors have different ideas for their homes. They also bring new ideas for business that can supplement or replace income from direct sales. Ultimately, any benefits of tourism accrue first to long-time residents. Only then do tourists reap those rewards.



2.      As a tourism marketing manager, it is crucial to perform a situational analysis that popularly known as SWOT Analysis, to identify your organisation's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.


a)      Explain each of the steps with relevant examples.

Swot analysis is a method to study and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a particular situation. It helps a person plan for a better situation. The analysis reveals how you can handle the positive and negative aspects of your situation. It helps a person to understand the causes and effects of your situation. This helps in creating strategies to improve your situation.

Swot analysis involves assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in your situation. It helps in understanding how you can improve your situation. You may access the concept from the military or business where it refers to a plan to move from one location to another. In that sense, it helps in achieving greater success in whatever you're doing.

For example, if you're a tourism marketing manager planning for new destinations, swot analysis will help you understand your current strengths and weaknesses when competing with other tourism markets. The analysis will help you understand the opportunities for growth and the threats to your market share. This allows you to create a strategy for growing your market share and profitability. In addition, it allows you to perform market research on potential new markets to expand your current market base.

The first step in any analysis is to identify the problem you are trying to solve or analyze- this is called identifying your objective. Next, you should define your scope of investigation by identifying what factors you want to analyze and gather data from - this is defining your variables. Next you will need to define your criteria for evaluating your data - this is defining your measuring tools or indicators of data quality. You should also identify any prerequisites for interpreting your data - this is defining your glossary for interpreting data or knowing what words will help you define your problem better. Next, identify any post-processing actions you need to take after analyzing your data - this is defining feedback mechanisms for collecting your findings so you can make changes based on feedback from others.


The analysis of competition also involves understanding the strategies your competitors use to gain market share. You must understand what attracted them to your industry in the first place- what are their wants and needs? Your next step is to uncover their weaknesses and find ways to capitalize on those weaknesses- this is known as strategic marketing. For example, if many golf resorts struggle with poor weather conditions during springtime, they could sponsor a charity event that benefits farmers during that time of year. By sponsoring an event benefiting farmers, golf resorts may attract more potential golfers while mitigating any potential negative impacts on the surrounding environment.

Conducting swot analysis can help managers make informed decisions about their company's marketing strategies with relevant information about their target audience demographics and market trends. It can also assist managers in creating effective training strategies for their staff members as well as in evaluating their work performance as an employee manager. Essentially, swot analysis can be used anywhere there are decisions that require relevant information about a situation or entity's strengths and weaknesses.

A successful tourism marketing manager maximizes the opportunities his market provides him through strategic planning using swot analysis. He understands his competitors' strengths and weaknesses via swot analysis and creates strategies accordingly using SWOT analysis. Swot analysis is an excellent tool for creating strategies that will improve any given situation.

b)     In your opinion, why tourism system process is crucial? Explain the steps in the right sequence.

The concept of tourism has been around for centuries and is a typical way of making money. Many people travel to new places and take pictures of them. However, not all areas are good at attracting tourists. Staying true to your region while marketing it effectively is essential to achieving this. Here are some insights on how to do so.

When planning your region's tourism system, you should start by deciding where to go and end when you get home. You should also decide on the type of environment you want to create- friendly, adventurous or rural/wild. Next, you should think about how you can promote your region effectively- this includes promoting your area and creating incentives for people to come there. After that, you need to work on creating a good environment for tourists; this includes keeping roads clean and safe, controlling noise levels and selling suitable food and accommodation. Lastly, be sure to set up a record-keeping system so you can keep track of how much revenue your region generates from tourism.

A good environment makes it easier for people to stay in one place and spend money. Therefore, you need to plan how visitors will get around your area easily and safely. You can do this by building walking paths or bike lanes or by setting up public transportation options. You can also work on making your environment navigable so that people know where they are going and can return home when they want. Essentially, everyone stays longer if their trip is easy and safe.

You need to promote your region effectively so tourists will know it exists and want to go there. This includes advertising your region through social media, public forums and word of mouth. You can also send out press releases about your area to local newspapers and broadcast stations in the area you want tourists from far away. You can also arrange trade shows- both local and international- where business owners from around the world come to promote their businesses. Last, but not least, having an accurate map of your region helps when promoting your region - both visually and acoustically - as inaccurate maps draw unwanted attention away from genuine interests.

You need to lower the cost of running a tourism enterprise so more people will take interest in running businesses in your area. This includes lowering your labor costs through appropriate training schemes for employees or lowering your utility costs by purchasing low-cost facilities or equipment. It's also crucial to show that your region is financially stable so businesses will feel confident in investing money there. You can do this by having a government audit all revenue before disbursing any funds each month. You can also have a bank account where all revenue streams are deposited so revenue goes directly toward running the enterprise smoothly.

Every region needs a well-planned tourism system process if it wants good growth in tourism income. First, decide where you want people to go and end when they get back home.Then create an environment people will want to stay in that environment in and promote it effectively! Lowering the costs of running a tourism enterprise makes it easier for businesses to invest in your region, which increases revenue.









1.      As an experienced person in marketing, you have been hired by AZ Car Rental to handle a new marketing team. The Director intends to create an advertisement to enhance the company's brand to the public and request you to brief him on some ideas. Elaborate on each of your ideas based on the advertising objectives and identify the suitable media channels to promote your company.


Car rental companies provide unique services to the public. Most people use car rental services when they're traveling. These services help people make the most of their adventures. That's why many companies have a vested interest in creating high-quality vehicles and service standards. Many companies also invest a lot of money in advertising campaigns for their vehicles. They want to ensure that potential customers know about their services and products.

Advertising strategy will help AZ Car Rental reach the target audience using the best medium possible. Our customer also can understand what we offer and how we differ from our competitors.

Furthermore, advertising helps our car rental business customers to make informed decisions and at the same time educates our audience and helps them find the best possible solution to their problem.

What is more important is, our business might get multiple sources of revenue with omnichannel marketing.

Hence, in order to achieve the objective, there are three strategis that we can used to market our business.

First, online advertisements are an excellent way to attract new customers to car rental agencies. Companies use these ads to promote their latest inventory and prices. This allows them to directly reach potential new customers and build trust with potential customers. Additionally, many companies use online ads to promote discounts and incentives for loyal customers. This allows them to keep their most valuable customers happy while they build new partnerships with potential customers.

Social media is another excellent way for car rental companies to advertise their products. Companies use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to target potential customers with fresh content. This includes photos, videos and blog posts about the customer's favorite destinations. Car rental companies can also post updates about their company and staff for customers to read about. This helps companies communicate directly with their most loyal customers and build brand awareness among specific groups of people.

Second, television advertising is another fantastic way for car rentals companies to advertise their products. Companies use television commercials to promote new items they recently added to their inventory. This is especially helpful when companies alter their stock frequently due to customer demand. Television commercials also allow car rental companies to direct specific advertisements toward local markets. This allows them to target potential new customers based on geography rather than chance. In addition, television advertising is also effective at promoting new products or services for existing clients.

Third is Retarget Potential Customers, it is costly for a car rental company to get a new client. It would be best for these businesses to employ marketing strategies that involve referrals.

For instance, a car rental business can create an email database where people register on its website. The company can then market to them some time in the future. Using Facebook ads and Google Display network, we can tag those that visit our site. It is possible to retarget them with adverts at a cheaper fee.

Fourth and lastly is build partnerships with car hire companies. There are many car hire sites that will increase bookings and add traffic to our website for fee compensation. A formal car hire website could charge us a percentage of the income made from the bookings. If we want such a working arrangement, we can contact our targeted car hire site and work through the details of a partnership.

In conclusions, advertising strategies are key for successful car rental agencies. Companies use different forms of advertisement to attract new clients and promote existing products and services. However, advertisers must be strategic when creating these campaigns. Successful advertising strategies rely on excellent customer targeting, creative ideas and budgeted resources.



2.      A sophisticated pricing approach is deemed relevant and necessary to improve the competitiveness of your company. Discuss the dimensions of pricing sophistication that could strengthen the business competitiveness.


Pricing is one of the most important aspects of running a business. Many factors determine the price of a product or service- such as customer demand and competition. Pricing strategies can differ according to the type of product or service. For example, setting prices for labor intensive jobs or equipment intensive jobs would be different approaches. Determining pricing is a part of creating and maintaining a competitive business. Failing to assess and adjust pricing strategies when necessary could lead to a business's downfall.

Pricing strategies differ according to the type of product or service. For example, setting prices for consumer products would be different from pricing for construction or professional services. Pricing also differs depending on whether the pricing is for internal or external customers. For example, when setting prices for employees, setting pay scales would be an approach for internal customers. If pricing to employees, you could also consider issues such as age, experience and regionality. If pricing to customers, you would also need to take into account age, location and economic status. Determining the best price for an item or service can be a complex process at hand.

In difficult economic times, lowering prices becomes an effective strategy to retain customers. Failing to do so could result in lost revenue and failure- which many businesses experienced in the 1920s and 1930s in the United States. During this time, businesses reduced prices in an effort to retain their customer bases. This was especially necessary after multiple years of high sales prices due to inflation. In addition, unfavorable economic conditions led many businesses to reduce prices to compete with more cost-effective competitors. Lowering prices helped business owners stay afloat during these hard times.

Pricing is an integral aspect of creating and sustaining a competitive business model. Determining the best price depends on various factors such as type of product or service and market conditions. Customers will respond favorably if business owners adjust their pricing strategies quickly enough during difficult times. Failing to do so could lead to decreased revenue and failure for businesses.


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