Utility analysis is a
quantitative method that estimates the ringgit value of the benefits generated
by an intervention based on improving it produces in worker productivity.
Utility analysis provides managers with information they can use to assess the
financial impact of an intervention, including the calculation of a return on
their investment in its implementation.
The concept of utility was
originally introduced by Brogden (1949) and Brogden and Taylor (1950) and
developed by Cronbach & Gleser (1965). The concept has been studied and
extended by Cascio (1982); Schmidt, Hunter, and Pearlman (1982); and Smither
and Reilly (1983), among others. It was introduced as a method to evaluate the
organizational benefits of using systematic procedures (eg proficiency testing)
to improve personnel selection, but naturally extends to the evaluation of any
intervention to improve human performance.
Average Utility is an average
utility per unit of the good. It is calculated by dividing the total value by
the number of units consumed. Marginal utility is the most to the total utility
derived from the consumption of an additional unit of the good. The law of
diminishing marginal utility, defined as more units of a good is consumed
continuously and in standard units, the marginal utility from consumption of
each additional unit will keep decreasing.
To understand the concept of
utility applied to determine the balance of consumer understanding of the
concept is crucial. The definition of use is the lack of power-satisfaction of
a commodity. According to the Cardinal approach utility can be measured in
number of cardinals such as 1, 2, 3 and 4. Meanwhile, total utility is the
total satisfaction derived from the consumption of a good data units.
For this assignment, we will use the most
basic product to explain the theory and the product equilibrium. Which is Apple and Orange fruits. To explain in
simple way, assume that an orange is consumed. The marginal utility (and total
utility) after eating one orange will be quite high. But if more oranges are
eaten, the pleasure of each additional orange will be less than the pleasure we
received from eating the one before - probably because we are starting to feel
full or we have had too many fruits for one day.
The table above shows that total utility will
increase at a much slower rate as marginal utility diminishes with each
additional oranges. Keep in mind that how the first orange gives a total
utility of 70 but the next three oranges together increase total utility by
only 18 additional units.
Consumer equilibrium is defined
as the situation where the utility of a consumer is maximized and that it does
not tend to move. It can be analyzed in terms of unique product and many
commodities as well. The balance of consumers in the context of a single
product consumption refers to decisions that give the most satisfaction to the
consumer. The level of consumption of the product is considered optimal if the
consumption is more or less the worst consumer.
The analysis of marginal
utility of consumer behavior suggests the rule of balancing the following
application: the consumer is always better by buying more products of marginal
utility exceeds its price, and less of a product the marginal utility is less
than the price. The consumer has the benefit of a product whose marginal
utility is equal to its price.
All consumers seek to maximize their utility and the selected product is
two commodities that the most fundamental is the necessity these days, apple
and orange. The preference of the consumer scale has been derived through
mapping the difference of which is a set of indifference curves that class
consumer preferences. Getting to the indifference curve which is farthest from
the origin gives the highest total utility.
While consumer
goal is the maximization of satisfaction, the means to achieve the objective
are not clear. Higher indifference curve not only gives greater satisfaction,
but also are more expensive. Here we are faced with the fundamental conflict
between the preferences and the prices of raw materials consumer wants to
consume. With a given amount of cash income for the past, we cannot achieve the
greatest satisfaction, but must be content with less.

For an example, the above diagram
shows that every combination on the price line GH cost the same amount of
money. To maximize the utility, we will try to reach the highest indifference
curve which you could get with a given expenditure of money and given prices of
two goods. The budget line touches IC2 at point E represents the most utility.
This is the highest attainable
indifference curve of which you can get good X OQ1 OQ2 units and units for Y r
50. Any other reasonable combination of the price line GH gives you less
satisfaction, because it will be on a lower indifference curve IC1. With this,
we conclude that the point of tangency between the budget line and an
indifference curve is the optimal consumption. It is affordable combination
that maximizes our utility.
2.0 THE
The concept of indifference curve was propounded in economics to replace
the law of diminishing marginal utility. Marginal utility analysis is cardinal
utility analysis and indifference curve analysis is ordinal utility analysis.
These two concepts seen to be alternative. But, in reality, indifference curve
has adopted some of the assumption of cardinal utility analysis. According to
Edwin Marshal: The great 19th century economists like William Stanley jevons of
England, Karl Menger of Austria, Leon Walras of France believed utility was
measurable in cardinal sense. In contrast, most 20th century economists
following the lead of E Slutsky, Vilfredo Pareto, Sir John Hicks assume that
utility is measurable in an ordinal sense, which means that a consumer can only
rank various market baskets with regard to the satisfaction they give him and
Utility refers
to the satisfaction that the consumer obtains the purchase and use of goods and
services. According to the economy there are two theories that are able to
measure the satisfaction of individuals. It is the theory of cardinal utility
and the theory of ordinal utility. There are a number of differences between
the two in the methods they use to measure satisfaction in consumption. The
following figure provides a clear explanation of each type of theory and
highlights the main differences between cardinal utility and ordinal utility.
Cardinal Approach of Utility
Ordinal Approach of Utility
approach is the one, which rests on the assumption that utility can be
measured thereby implying that utility can be quantified.
For the
purpose of measurement of utility the cardinal approach uses utils which help
in understanding how much utility is derived from consumption of a product.
Thus cardinal numbers are used to show the utility schedule.
The cardinal utility approach focuses on the independent utility derived from a product and hence any dependence is avoided. Though this approach brings out the preference of one product over other through utils but this does not imply any conclusion or relation between the choices |
approach of utility does not give out any measurement unit which means that
this approach does not consider the quantification of utility.
As per
ordinal approach, utility is
used for grading/ranking of the products depending on the preferences of the
comparisons can be made of the utility derived from two products, but the
utility cannot be computed quantitatively.
ordinal approach will give a sense of preferences, likes and dislikes but
there is no numerical measurement and this approach is used in grading the
preferences of the consumer depending upon the alternatives that are
available to him/her.
Figure 1: The distinction between Cardinal and Ordinal Theory
Measurement of utility. According
to cardinal analysis, utility can be measured quantitatively. For example, the
total utility derived from a commodity can be expressed as 20,30,40 units. Marginal
utility can also be measured in similar way. But according to indifference
curve analysis utility cannot be measured quantitatively, since utility is a
psychological phenomenon.
Express preference. According
to Cardinal analysis utility can be measured quantitatively. So a consumer can
not only express preference. He can say that product X to Y is better, but it
can also tell how much he prefers product X Y. But goods in ordinal utility,
the consumer does not specify the quantity, but can say that satisfaction comes
from a combination of products in high or low that other combinations.
Interest in product mix. In
the cardinal's analysis, it is assumed that the consumer is interested in a
good in a particular period time. Hence, most of his theories are based on the
analysis of a commodity. But in the ordinal analysis, it is assumed that the
consumer is interested in a combination of good. He may prefer a combination
with any other or both combinations may be also preferable to him. He is said
to be indifferent between two combinations. The curve on which combinations of
same total return products presented is called indifference curve.
Observe preference. According
to Cardinal analysis utility can be measured and at the same time consumer
preference can be observed. For example, if a man buys orange and not buy
Apple, we may say that prefers orange apple. According the ordinal analysis
utility cannot be measured, but it is possible to observe the preference of the
consumer. For example, if a consumer spends all his money on a combination
instead of a combination B, we can say that he prefers a to B. Alternatively
combination, we can say that he shot more satisfaction as a combination of the
combination B.
term consumer’s equilibrium refers to the amount of goods and services that the
consumer can buy on the market taking into account his income and given the
price of goods on the market. The consumer goal is to get maximum satisfaction
from income money. Given the price line (budget line) and map of indifference,
a consumer is said to be in equilibrium at a point where the price line is in
contact with the highest indifference curve accessible from the figure 2 below.
the consumer’s equilibrium under the indifference curve theory must meet the
following two conditions. First
is the order condition. A given price line should be tangent to an indifference
curve or marginal rate of substitution of good X for good Y (MRSxy)
must be equal P, to the price ratio of the two goods. MRSxy =Y.
The second condition is that indifference curve must be convex to the
origin at the point of tangency.
There are a few assumptions
in this concept that need to be taking noted. The following assumptions are
made to determine the consumer’s equilibrium position:
Rationality. The consumer is rational. He wants to obtain maximum satisfaction given his
income and prices.
Utility is ordinal. It is
assumed that the consumer can rank his preferences according to the
satisfaction of each combination of goods.
Consistency of choice. It is
also assumed that the consumer is consistent in the choice of goods.
Perfect competition. There is perfect competition in the market from where the
consumer is purchasing the goods.

Figure 2: Consumer Equilibrium
We want to reach the highest indifference curve of our
limited income. You can only go as far as your budget constraint allows.
Suppose you have only RM 50 to switch to apple and orange. The price of an
apple is RM 10, where the orange price is RM 5. You can have as many as 5
apples units if you want to give orange.
Similarly, you can have 10 units of oranges with the same RM
50. The budget constraints illustrate all combination of goods you can buy with
a limited income. In this case the budget line illustrates the combination of
apple and orange, that can be purchased with RM50.
The arrow indicates the point where equilibrium
is reached consumers. A consumer may be able to buy three apples and four
oranges with the allocated budget. The equilibrium occurs when it is bonded to
two types of products.
Consumer equilibrium is
achievable when Px = MUx/MUre for orange and Py = MUy/MUre for apple. This can
be explained with the help of the following schedule.
A consumer has RM 88
with him. He wants to purchase orange and apple with his money. The market
price of orange and apple is RM 8 per unit. The marginal utility schedule of
orange and apple are given below.
Units of Good
MUx (orange)
MUy apple)
In case of two goods, a
consumer strikes equilibrium when MUx/Py=MUy/Py or MUx/MUy=Px/Py. In this case,
Px (orange) and Py (apple) are RM 8 per unit so that equilibrium will be
arrived at when MUx = MUy or when MUx/MUy = 1. The equilibrium occurs when the
consumer buys 8 units of orange and 3 units of apple. His total utility will be
424 utils form orange and 100 utils from apple, thus totaling 524 utils.
If he chooses any other
combination orange and apple in order to maximize his total utility, then it
will be either his money is not completely spent or he cannot afford to buy
that combination because it is beyond his budget.
The Utility theory is used to explain the behavior of
individual customers. Marginal utility is the change of total utility with
additional consumption of a product. The demand arises because of utility. The
utility is measured as cardinal utility and ordinal utility. In cardinal
utility, the utility can be measured objectively. And ordinal utility,
usefulness is ranked according to preference by individual customers. The
utility theory the customer's point of view, explains that in the law of
diminishing marginal utility, which stipulates that the amount consumed by an
individual for a product increases, the utility gained in additional units is
decreasing. As the choice is limited by the price and the customer's income, a
rational customer will not spend one additional unit of goods or services
unless its marginal utility is equal or superior to that of a unit another
product or service. The price of a product or service is linked to its marginal
utility and the ranking will be given by the customer according to preferences.
In the conclusion, the two approaches have been used by
economists throughout their existence, and it would not be fair to say an
individual who is the best. Everything revolves around which to approach an
individual to find what works best for their needs in a situation where
economic analysis is required.
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