Introduction of NKS System Sdn Bhd
Hackman and Oldham’s Job Characteristics
Identification of Core Job Dimension in NKS
System Sdn Bhd
Recommendations to Increase Critical
Psychological States of NKS System Sdn
Bhd Employees
main purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the employment Core
Dimension of tasks performed by workers in NKS System Sdn Bhd and recommend
methods to increase their critical psychological States. The identification and
assessment conducted using the Hackman and Oldham Job Characteristic Model. The
model describes the relationship between job characteristics and individual
response to work. There are five dimensions of employment prompting three
psychological states that lead to positive personal and professional results.
(Hackman, J. and R. Lee, M.D, 1979)
NKS System Sdn. Bhd. was established in 1995 and has grown under the
supervision of Dato’ Norizan Bakar, the founder. The firm is operating from the
location shown by the address and map below:-
8A, Jalan BK 5A/2A, Bandar Kinrara, 47100 Puchong, Selangor
Map 1: Location of NKS System Sdn Bhd
working interest of the company and comprehensive services industry and
telecommunications technology. They concentrate and specialize in works of
optical fibers and operation and maintenance (O & M) for the
telecommunications industry (contract). The company has over 15 years of
experience with meetings of the experience of 30 years. They have expertise in
the installation, supply and maintenance of all types of telephone and internet
services (telecommunications) for residential, commercial, hospital, hotel,
commercial and industrial centre. The company provides all types of cleaning
and maintenance programs for all telecommunication systems and associated
equipment (, 2013).
of the services offered by the company, are:
Supply and Install
DSLAM and Cabinet (Total Maintenance)
and Fibre Cable Installation / maintenance
Ultrasonic and Vibration Analysis and Testing
The organisational chart of NKS System is
as below:
Technicians/ Handyman
1.1: NKS Systems Organization Chart
For the purposes of this type of work, the author
chooses the company's maintenance division to be assessed and evaluated
according to Hackman and Oldham job characteristics model. All employees are
skilled workers and working full time with the company. Generally, the type of
work is mechanical and electrical engineering. The manager gets potential
customers, addresses issues of human resources and budgeting. In the case of
applications that do not fall into any category and the need for custom design,
engineers will liaise with the customer to meet the challenge and create unique
solutions tailored. Engineer also prepare work schedules and deal with the
application of technology. While technicians attend any complaints handyman
help technicians.
The Job Characteristics developed by organizational
psychologists J. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham is a normative approach to the
enrichment of employment. It specifies five core job dimensions that will lead
to critical psychological states to the employee. The model is one of the most
influential attempts to conceive of jobs with increasing motivators.
Figure 1 is showing the outline of the model:
Figure 2.1: An outline of The Job Characteristics
Source: Hackman and Oldham (1980: 90)
The model explains that workers achieve a high
internal motivation to work, the high overall job satisfaction, satisfaction
the high growth and high work efficiency if they experience the following
factors in their work:
their work to be meaningful
responsibility for the outcomes of their work
knowledge of the outcomes of their work.
These three factors are created and enhanced by five
factors inherent in the design of the job itself namely: skill variety, task
identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback.
A. Core Job Dimension
B. Critical Psychological
C. Personal & Work
of CJD, CPS and PWO on One Another
Meaning labour is caused by the variety of
competence, task identity and task importance, is that the former are the
independent variables and the dependent one. Living responsibility for work
results is a dependent variable of autonomy and knowledge of the results of the
dependent variable feedback. It is useful to further examine the concept of
internal motivation. This is the kind of influence that motivated employees who
do not require coaches’ managers because they are doing what is necessary and
more without having to be asked. The rewards tend to be internal not external.
Three psychological states necessary for a great motivation. Hackman and Oldham
state it is remarkable that even people who consider themselves relatively lazy
will be put in much effort in these three factors are richly experienced.
The Role of Individual
Need for Growth
In Hackman and Oldham, there are three moderating
variables are: knowledge and skills, growth need strength and
"satisfaction of context" It is important to view learning in the
workplace as a self-process. led to personal and professional development to
achieve concrete benefits of active participation in the labour relations every
day. There are possibilities of typical quiet learning related to employment
improvement activities such as skills development work during the organized
course or independent use of work-related materials.
The Maintenance Divison of NKS Systems Sdn. Bhd. consist
of full time employee groups ranging from a manager/owner, mechanical engineers,
technicians and assistant technicians (handyman). Even though there is not a
large pool of employees present in this division, the author finds it
interesting and important to identify and assess CJD in the working
environment. We will analyse the presence of CJD according to the different
group of employees respectively.
Engineers are responsible for health and safety
aspects of mechanical, electrical buildings. They ensure that these services
effectively in the company's projects. The role includes the design and
maintenance of air conditioning, elevators and other mechanical systems,
distribution of electricity and water supply and the provision of lighting and
Image 3.1: An Engineer Evaluating Theoretical Design
Source: NKS System
From the observation of the author, engineers tend
to be more satisfied because they always deal with real situations where they
can improve and influence. Their work gives meaning to huge job satisfaction
because it combines creative innovation, technological expertise and its
relevance for customers. Front construction, large projects and large pieces of
equipment contributions have a direct impact on the success of a project, so that
job satisfaction and value are high for this group.
NKS System Technicians assist in the search for
engineering, design, manufacturing, construction, operation and maintenance of
machinery, manufacturing equipment, installations and mechanical equipment.
They prepare drawings, plans and drawings for mechanical works under the
direction of the engineer. They also have the responsibility in the choice of
tools and equipment, assembling and installing new and modified mechanical
assemblies, components, machine tools and controls, and energy network servers.
Skill Variety
Design techniques, tools, and principals involved in production of
precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models.
Skills in machines and tools, including their designs, repair, and
Skills in methods and the tools involved in the construction or repair
of houses, buildings, or other structures.
Task Identity
Fully assist and involve throughout the construction, operation and
maintenance of mechanical and process plant and installations.
Produces a final set of accurate drawings for each stage of the
production process.
Task Significance
Technicians fill the gap between the significant tasks performed by
engineers and handyman.
Their part is essential to complete any work carried out by the
Consult with engineers the best way to develop and plan a design, and
once the design has been created, independently create the drawings that
machinists use as reference when building a tool or piece of machinery.
Also undertake some basic administrative work such as creating and
updating lists of parts without direct instructions.
Direct and clear information from the job about the effectiveness of
his performance from the manager and engineer.
Image 3.2: Technicians Splicing Fiber Optic and Jointing
Source: NKS System
The author finds that technicians get job
satisfaction because at the end of the profession is customer service.
According to one of the technicians of the company, "to see people happy with the job you did make the day of any technician
worth it." Important task of reviewing the instructions and project
plans to determine the test specifications, procedures and objectives, and the
test nature of technical issues such as the redesign ultimately lead to their
high internal motivation. variety of techniques and skills to do the jobs
project-based work also simulate the performance of high-quality technicians.
therefore, job satisfaction regarding CJD happens to be the average level for
this group.
The support technicians or handyman in NKS system
does odd jobs such as rolling over, paint, repair and maintain DSLAM, grounds
and facilities. Works like fixing security risks, with all equipment,
installation of equipment and machinery as well as make minor plumbing and
spraying also by these tinkerers. They also maintain working papers; operates
trucks and related building maintenance equipment; tools and equipment in clean
and safe working conditions; responds to emergency calls after normal working
hours. They often help technicians successfully complete specific tasks.
3.2: Assistant Technician is installing underground cables.
Source: NKS System
This group of employees has high degrees of SPC from
1 to 3 criteria above. The need to use various physical skills such as
plumbing, carpentry and electrical skills ultimately contributes to the
significant experience of work and to stimulate the internal motivation to
work. But the level of autonomy is still bound to the constraints, because the
layout of their work is still subject to approval by their superiors. This in
no way limit the level of satisfaction in their work. Apart from this, the
ratings on their employment outcomes superior happens regularly. This group
also learns the result directly with clients on occasions when attending to
urgent matters. This ultimately allows them to learn the actual results of the
work activity and lead to low absenteeism and turnover rates. Overall, the
level of satisfaction regarding CJD for this group is still at low levels
compared to engineers and technicians.
On identifying and assessing levels of CJD, as PWO
and CPS job characteristics model Hackman and Oldham, the author provides some
recommendations for SCN system. These recommendations aim to improve the CJD
group of workers to increase their CPS.
Job Rotation – the company must take measures to allow workers
the opportunity to use a variety of skills, and perform different types of
work. The most common way to do this is through job rotation. Engineers,
technicians and handyman must be moved through a variety of jobs that allow
them to learn different skills and gain different experiences. This can be very
motivating, especially to those people who are in jobs that are very
Combine Tasks - Work activities should be combined to provide
jobs that are more difficult and complex. Task identity can be improved because
engineers, technicians and assistant technicians involved in the work from
beginning to end. This allows them to understand the work seems more meaningful
and important. The expansion of their role gives them responsibility for the
whole process and let them live meaning in their work. This situation will lead
to high quality of their work performance.
C. Task Significance
Implement Participative
Management - The Company
may allow engineers and technicians to participate in decision making and participate
in the planning of project companies. This is a great way to make them
understand that their participation is important. It can work in such a small
company with a manager / owner who has a close and direct communication with
all employees. Contribute to the overall business goals of the organization can
give employees a better idea of their role (for example, how their work falls
within the larger picture) and the importance and relevance of their work to
business objectives.
D. Autonomy
Engineers and technicians enjoy a high level of
autonomy in this society. But lower-level employees (handymen) do not have as
much flexibility in their work process. The author suggests:
Options/Choice - When the
design work itself is predetermined by management, employees should be allowed
to decide how they will finish the job. This can create a feeling of choices
need to be motivated intrinsically. Allow Handyman to adapt their approach to
their preferences and abilities will also give them a greater sense of control
over the situation they are in, which benefits performance. If the situation
cannot give them free rein in total, the company should try to give them a
choice between two options for how to proceed.
Adjustment of Work
list - This group of
employees must be the opportunity to resolve the appearance of work items in
their worklists to their own preferences. This measure provides technician
assistant / handymen with greater autonomy. When there is a possibility to
adjust the appearance of work items in the worklist, they create a better
overview of things they have to do according to their own preferences. This
makes it easier to decide for themselves how and what work item has to be done
Natural/Emphasise Need
For Growth - The
management should ensure that the results of work done are accurately fed back
to employees and highly visible thus allowing unobstructed feedback. As far as
possible this feedback should be a natural, on-going part of the job not the
type which is given by a superior in a job appraisal. Emphasis should be placed on increasing the
opportunities for growth. These vary from one employee to the next so the
process should be structured to include input from the individual.
Focus more on leveraging
employee’s strengths than trying to fix their weaknesses - When offering feedback to employees, it’s only
natural to want to mention elements of an employee’s performance that is in
need of some improvement. A better approach to NKS System is to look at the
areas where employees are excelling to find out why they are performing so well
in that particular task, and figuring out how that can be applied to the part
of their work they are having difficulty with. This will allow the company to
help their employees to learn to use their strengths across different areas,
while gaining a better appreciation for what aspects of their work will require
the help of their colleagues for them to complete the task. It’s important to
remember that the opportunity for growth for employees lies not in addressing
their weaknesses, but on building their ability to contribute their existing
The presence of Core Job Dimensions among different
employee groups varying from Mechanical Engineers, Technicians as well as
Assistant Technicians/Handyman identified in the author’s findings. The
assessment was carried out on each group of employees separately based on the
five core dimensions.
The author found that almost all evaluated groups
are skilled workers and uses various skills according to their level of
employment to perform tasks. The variety of skills among engineers,
technicians and handyman are also clearly identified. Appointed employees’
opportunities to use their skills and abilities as one of the top five factors
that influence job satisfaction. To improve that element in leading to better
CPS, the author recommends the job rotation method to allow workers the
opportunity to use a variety of skills, and perform different types of work.
As for task
identification, each
group of employees is very clear about the degree to which their job requires
completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work. The engineers organise
and oversee the whole work projects while technicians fully assist and involve
throughout it. Whereas the assistant technicians give their input at every
level from the beginning to completion as a whole even though not as much as
the previous 2 groups. To further enhance this dimension, the author recommends
the company to combine
tasks by expanding
their roles which give them responsibility for the entire process and let them
experience meaningfulness towards their work.
In addition to this, the important task for
each group was carefully analysed. Engineers believe that the genius and art
must be combined. Each work has its own beauty to the end and the perfect
finish of satisfaction should be seen and enjoyed by all. Technicians believe
that the last set of specific drawings for each stage by them is crucial to
each project by the company. Whereas, assistant technicians understand the
importance of their work to respond to emergency issues. They eventually become
the bridge between the company and customers whenever there is a breakdown. To
increase the level of significance of the work, the company recommended to
apply participatory management that allows engineers and technicians to
participate in decision making and participate in the planning of project companies.
The level of autonomy in the performing jobs
and feedback on their employment outcomes considered another aspect of
all groups motivation satisfaction and employment. Freedom and discretion to
make decisions, such as planning the work and determine how it should be done
gives employees a greater sense of responsibility for the results of their work
and, in turn, their satisfaction. Engineers and technicians found to be more
independent in the performance of their jobs compared to technicians assistants.
Feedback of the levels of all groups are found to be in a satisfactory level.
All employees of the company receive the information clear and direct
employment on the effectiveness of their performance from the manager,
superiors and customers.
Finally, recommendations to maximise responsibility
for work outcomes and knowledge of the actual results of work activities among
the engineers, technicians and especially assistant technicians summarised
Options and Choice - to adapt the approach of an employee to their preferences and
abilities and give greater sense of control over their work.
of Work list - Assistant
technicians should be an opportunity to resolve the appearance of work items
in their worklists to their own preferences.
Need For Growth is expected to concentrate in direct assessments to increase employee
growth opportunities.
employee’s strengths than trying to fix their weaknesses to help employees maximize their strengths while
gaining a better understanding to overcome the weaknesses.
As evidenced by this study using Hackman and job
characteristics Model Oldham, critical basic psychological states used Labour
Dimension influences and these factors ultimately lead to personal results and
the employees. Job satisfaction may contribute to multiple organizational gains
and was associated with increased motivation of internal work, performance
quality and low absenteeism or turnover. This benefits ultimately the organization
such as the NKS system in terms of high performance and increased productivity.
About Us. (2013). Retrieved from:
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