29 Jun 2019






QUESTION 1                                             2

QUESTION 2                                             4

QUESTION 3                                             6

QUESTION 4                                             8

QUESTION 5                                             10

QUESTION 6                                             13

QUESTION 7                                             15


Having goals for the things we want to do and work on them is an important part of being human. The path to our goals are not always function well or be easy, but have goals, whether big or small, is part of what makes the good life. It gives us a sense of meaning and purpose, points us in the direction we want to go and gives us interested and engaged, all of which are good for our overall happiness.

Figure 1: Steps in creating life goals.

According to Foster (2015), in creating life goals, there are few steps that can be taken in sucessfully creating life goals. The steps are known as:

  1. Identify your goals - By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know what you have to concentrate on and improve.  When there is a target, people feel driven to meet it.
  2. Write your goals down – Writing down your goals turns them from wishes into realities, and is the first step in committing to the goal.  When you put pen to paper you turn your thoughts into something tangible.
  3. Needs Analysis – After you identify each goal, think about what you need to do to reach your goal.  Where are you now?  Take a current inventory.  You will never know how far you have to go if you do not know where you already are.  Do you need to read or do research about something?  Do you need to learn a special skill to meet your goal?  How much practice will it take?  Also think about who will help you reach your goals.  Identify all the skills, information, knowledge, resources, and help from people and organizations that you will need to achieve your goals, and the people with whom you will need to collaborate.
  4. List Benefits and Obstacles – Make a list of the benefits you will receive from attaining your goal.  By creating a list of benefits you become more intrinsically motivated to achieve your goals.
  5. List Objectives – You will need to break things down into smaller tasks.
  6. Share your goals - Talk about your goals with another.  Share them with your friends and your family.  When we talk to others about our goals, it helps us get a better idea of what we are going to do.
  7. Celebrate Along the Way - When you accomplish a goal, celebrate it.
  8. Periodically Evaluate your Goals - Periodically, take some time to review your entire goal list and evaluate your progress.  Use your failures as lessons for planning future successes.

By following these steps and practicing your goals each day, you have all the elements you need to succeed and achieve your goals. It isn't always easy to push through. Some days will be easier than others but if you keep focused on your goals you will be amazed at the progress you will make. Remember, almost everything begins as a thought. You can be what you imagine if you follow these simple steps.

(511 WORDS)

Foster, B. (2015). 10 Steps to Successful Goal Setting. Huffingtonpost. Accessed at 23rd November 2015, From: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bradley-foster/how-to-set-goals_b_3226083.html


Role models are important. They help us become the person we want to be and inspire us to make a difference. Choosing wisely means that you will be positively influenced and encouraged to be the best person possible. Choosing a role model in your personal life is different than choosing a celebrity role model but by following a few tips you can choose the best people to fill these roles in your life.

In today’s media-centric world, it can be tough to find a role model truly worth emulating (Harrison, 2015). Celebrities, famous athletes and even politicians fail us morally and ethically on a regular basis. However, there few tips that can be taken to choose the best role model. These tips are known as:

  1. Integrity - Can you count on the role model you have in mind to do the right thing in any situation? If your potential role model is famous, does he or she behave in a respectful manner whether the cameras are on or off? Be sure to choose someone who is more apt to make the nightly news for charity work than the gossip magazines for a celebrity feud.
  2. Individuality - Great role models are unapologetically true to themselves, and they don’t put down others for their own unique style or ways.
  3. Convictions - Unsure what a person believes in? With a good role model, you won’t have to guess. Choose someone whose beliefs, morals and ethics are in line with your own, and who does not change his or her tune with the latest political or cultural trends.
  4. Honesty - No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Even the best of role models will falter at some point. But a person’s true character can be seen in the way he or she conducts himself when a mistake is made. Choose someone who admits to their mistakes, sincerely apologizes and quickly makes amends.
  5. Humility - The best role models won’t take all the credit for themselves, nor will they hold themselves above others. Choose someone who gives credit where credit is due, and who keeps his or her ego in check.

Whether a famous celebrity; a renowned scientist, author or artist; a neighborhood activist; or a worker in your school, church or community; or even a family member, a good role model will help keep you motivated, boost your confidence and help you to rise to any challenge.

(414 WORDS)

Harrison, C. (2015). 5 tips to choose the best role models. Business Woman Media. Accessed at 23rd November 2015, From:

Eating well is very important at any age. But health issues and physical limitations sometimes make it difficult for elderly people. In order to keep a good healthy lifestyle, they need to get the nutrients they need for a balanced diet. This article will explain why risks of poor nutritional habits increase among elderly people.

According to Beattie (2015), there are few reasons why risks of poor nutritional habits increase among elderly people. Some of the most common reasons for poor nutrition in the elderly include:

  1. Decrease in sensitivity - The aging process itself is a barrier to good nutrition since it is common to for appetites to diminish as a person ages. A decline in the senses of smell and taste also affect a person’s ability to taste and enjoy food. If a meal isn’t appetizing, a senior is less likely to eat as much as he should.
  2. Side effects of medication - Certain medications (whether over-the-counter or prescription) can reduce appetite, cause nausea, or make food taste differently. If a senior doesn't feel hungry due to medication side effects, she is less likely to eat even though her body does need food and calories.
  3. Poor dental health - Seniors are more likely to suffer from dental problems. Ill-fitting dentures, jaw pain, mouth sores and missing teeth can make chewing painful. All of these factors make it increasingly difficult for the elderly to eat healthy foods.
  4. Financial burden - Many seniors are on fixed or limited incomes. If he is worried about money, a senior may cut back on grocery expenses or buy cheaper and less-nutritious foods to stretch his budget. Lacking money to pay for adequate foods can result in a host of nutrition problems.
  5. Physical difficulty - Seniors can become frail as they age, especially when dealing with debilitating conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, vertigo (dizziness) and disability. Physical pain and poor strength can make even simple tasks (opening a can, peeling fruit, and standing long enough to cook a meal) too challenging.
  6. Forgetfulness - Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and poor memory can hurt a senior's ability to eat a variety of foods on a regular schedule and remember what to buy at the store. One may keep eating the same foods over and over without realizing it, or skip meals entirely because she doesn't know the last time that she ate.
  7. Depression - As people age, life can become more difficult. Their loved ones may be gone (or far away), their body may be failing them, even if their mind is sharp, and loneliness can take its toll. Feeling blue or depressed can decrease one's appetite, or make him feel apathetic about caring for his health. Depression is a manageable disease when treated correctly, but left untreated it can lead to many other nutrition and health problems.

Poor nutrition can impair our daily health and wellbeing and reduce our ability to lead an enjoyable and active life especially in the golden years. Practicing good healthy lifestyle from young age can minimize the risk of poor nutritional habits when we get older.

(529 WORDS)

Beattie, L. (2015). Nutrition and the Elderly: Are the Seniors in Your Life Eating Well? Spark People. Accessed at 23rd November 2015, From: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=869

Tooth decay, also known as a cavity, or cavities, occurs when bacteria living in your mouth make acid that then begins to eat away at your teeth. Untreated tooth decay may cause infection, extreme pain and the loss of tooth. The decay process begins with the unnoticeable damage to the enamel of your teeth and then steadily progresses to deeper layers of the tooth, eventually leading to the pulp. The pulp of your teeth contains highly-sensitive blood vessels and nerves. This article will discuss the common reasons for tooth decay and steps that can be taken to improve the health of gums and teeth.

Figure 2: Tooth decays.

Tooth decay is a disease. Disease is defined as a pathological condition due to an infection, genetic defect or environmental stress.  The vehicle for this tooth disease is plaque. Plaque is the sometimes clear, sticky goo that latches onto your tooth every day.  Plaque literally bathes your tooth in decay - producing acid every second it is left on the vulnerable tooth surface.  It is fed especially by the breakdown of sugary food and drink sources.  Some plaque sources are readily identified i.e. a chocolate bar - but there are hidden ones as well
According to Dr. Gershberg (2014), there are at least 10 most common reason that leads to tooth decay. The problems can be identified as:
  1. Poor Oral Hygiene Practices
  2. Deep Tooth Crevices and Enamel Issues
  3. Improper Nutrition
  4. Sugary Foods
  5. Acidic Foods and Drinks
  6. Dry Mouth Issues
  7. Tooth Grinding
  8. Genetics
  9. Age

Other than avoiding sugary foods and drinks, a person also should brush their teeth regularly and use floss to clean their teeth. Other than that, you should visit the dentist every six months for routine cleaning and an examination. During the examination at the dentist, your dentist will examine your mouth for any signs of tooth decay. If signs of tooth decay exist, your dentist will work quickly to treat the issues, as well as providing any preventive measures to avoid future tooth decay all together.

Today the good news is that no one should have their dental health destroyed by tooth decay.  Identifying the causes and prescribing the correct therapies can give the patient a smile they can be proud of for a lifetime. Dental health and a great smile are available for a lifetime with correct frequency and consistency of health practices.

(417 WORDS)
Gershberg, S. J. (2014). Top 10 Causes of Tooth Decay.  The Art of Dentistry: On the Main Line. Accessed at 23rd November 2015, From: http://drgershberg.com/top-10-causes-tooth-decay/

Depression is an extremely complex disease. It occurs for a variety of reasons. Some people experience depression during a serious medical illness. Others may have depression with life changes such as a move or the death of a loved one. Still others have a family history of depression. Those who do may experience depression and feel overwhelmed with sadness and loneliness for no known reason. This article will explain the main reasons of depression and what can a person do to overcome it.

According to Kerr (2012), there are a number of factors that may increase the chance of depression among adults and elderly people, including the following:

  1. Abuse - Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can cause depression later in life.
  2. Conflict - Depression in someone who has the biological vulnerability to develop depression may result from personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friends.
  3. Death or a loss - Sadness or grief from the death or loss of a loved one, though natural, may increase the risk of depression.
  4. Major events - Even good events such as starting a new job, graduating, or getting married can lead to depression. So can moving, losing a job or income, getting divorced, or retiring.
  5. Other personal problems - Problems such as social isolation due to other mental illnesses or being cast out of a family or social group can lead to depression.
  6. Substance abuse - Nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also have major or clinical depression.

Suffering from depression means more than just dealing with a bad week or even a bad month. Depression is a weakening condition that can make it impossible for you to enjoy daily existence. According to Wikihow (2015), the are steps that can be taken to overcome depression. These steps are known as:

  1. Consult with a doctor. Many illnesses and medications may contribute to depressive feelings. To exclude these possibilities, consulting a doctor is the best way.
  2. Learn about the possible causes of depression. Although doctors have not narrowed down one clear-cut reason people experience depression, they tend to see this disorder arise in people with common genetic, biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Recognize what is the cause of the depression.
  3. Search for a situational cause. Before the psychological evaluation, start thinking about some root causes of the depression that may be causing pain in everyday life.
  4. Understand the treatment options. The doctor will recommend about possible treatments for the depression. Understand those options that suitable.
  5. Improving Life. Try to eliminate toxic or unhealthy relationships from life and Maintain healthy relationships.

Figure 3: Depression is an extremely complex disease.

For people struggling with depression, it is important to have compassion for themselves and to take actions to overcome this state, including seeking help. Remember that no matter what is the critical inner voice may be telling, the situation is far from hopeless. There is good help available and many active ways to treat the depression condition.

(513 WORDS)

Kerr, M. (2012). Major Depressive Disorder (Clinical Depression).  HealthLine. Accessed at 23rd November 2015, From: http://www.healthline.com/health/clinical-depression

WikiHow. (2015). How to Overcome Depression. WikiHow: To Do Anything. Accessed at 23rd November 2015, From: http://www.wikihow.com/Overcome-Depression


Being financially secure enough to enjoy your life in retirement is the last thing on the minds of those under 30. After all, with the stress of all the expensive "firsts" that often come about during this period, like purchasing a car, buying a house and starting a family, it's hard to even think about saving for the future. However, working toward financial security need not be an exercise in self-deprivation, as many people assume. Attaining this goal even has some immediate benefits, as financial insecurity can become a serious source of stress - something 20-somethings have enough of already. This article will discuss how financial stability is affected by the age that a person starts planning and steps a person can take to better manage his/her finances.

Every stage of lifetime needs different needs. As example when someone at school years, their financial needs may be limited to anything related to their study only and those who already married, their financial needs also grows to something else. And because of these age plays the biggest aspect in financial stability.
Figure 4: Different stage of life needs different needs.

Sometimes managing money can seem very complicated. In order to manage money well, one have to learn simplify the process so they can keep the financial situation straight and easily understandable. According to Hawkins (2015), there are the few steps that can be taken to manage finances better;

  1. Track Spending - Start writing down every cent that spends. From here we can start to forecast the monthly budget.
  2. Get Rid of Bad Debt - If it’s important to save as much money as can, pay off the debts with the highest interest rate (APR) first.
  3. Invest a token amount for retirement and Emergencies – Retirement and emergencies needs is a vital but often-overlooked part of financial health. Try to spent maybe a small token of amount to start investment for retirement and emergencies.
  4. Create an additional stream of income - Earning more money will always be a quicker way to financial goals than trying to spend less. Lots of millennial are getting ahead by freelancing or working second jobs. Some do it because they have to, but others do it because they know they are knocking down financial goals in half the time.
  5. Save for something you want - There is a lot of life to live between now and retirement. Whether the next goal is a wedding, a vacation, or a down payment on a home, plan ahead so we can pay for the goal with cash, not credit.

Achieving financial independence is a goal most people strive for. It is not necessarily easy, but it is achievable if you understand your priorities, set achievable goals and take the proper steps toward reaching them.

(476 WORDS)

Hawkins, K. (2015). 10 Simple Steps to Financial Security Before 30. Investopedia. Accessed at 23rd November 2015, From: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/younginvestors/08/generation-y.asp?layout=orig

Everybody has a Bucket List, even if it's just milling about in your head. A "Bucket List" is a list of things to do before kicking the proverbial bucket, and it's unique to each individual. This article shows you how to write your own personal Bucket List, and offers some suggestions on turning your 'Someday I will...' thoughts into achieved, unforgettable experiences.

Writing out a “bucket list” is the first step towards accomplishing some of these goals.  However, this can be a harder list to write than one might expect.  According to Graffagna (2014), there are 5 important tips in creating Bucket List and following this tips not only provide the meaningful list, but actually accomplish it as well.

  1. Do research
Starting the list is probably the easy part. The first few things should come quite easily as we all have aspirations and wishes, but forming a list that is going to give what one want to achieve from life is tricky. Check out what other people have listed online as this might give some inspiration. we might not necessarily want to do what they have listed, but it could give us some good ideas that we never really thought of.

  1. Do not write all in one go
We are all fickle deep down, what might interest now might not be something the we feel the same way about later in life. Start small, think of three things that would really like to do but have never had the chance to do, then add to it as and when thinking of something.

  1. Think outside the box
The key here is doing what we want to do, not what everyone else is doing. It’s easy to compromise when thinking of things, we like to see or experience.
  1. Think of the little things
If all of the goals are difficult to accomplish you will quickly get discouraged and may not make the progress you’d like. Think of things that can be done with little or no budget that will still mean a lot to you. For example, face a phobia or rekindle an old friendship.

  1. Be realistic
Do not go writing anything and everything you can think of; it has to be achievable otherwise we will really struggle to tick things off. Finances are probably the biggest worry when it comes to writing and completing the list, but we never know what the future will hold so don’t discount lavish ideas. The important thing here is to not put too much pressure on ourselves.

Figure 5: Bucket List

Everyone has a list of things they want to do before they die. Whether it is written down or not, there is something in this world that they would like to do, but have yet to experience or accomplish. Writing a bucket list is the first step we can make towards accomplishing some of these goals.

(490 WORDS)
Graffagna, S. (2014). 7 Steps to Creating a Bucket List (And Why You Need One). SuperheroYou: Level up your LIFE. Accessed at 23rd November 2015, From: http://superheroyou.com/7-steps-creating-bucket-list-need-one/

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