2.1 Components of the
Model 5
4.1 Skill Variety
4.2 Task Identity
4.3 Task Significance
4.4 Feedback

TIME dotCom
Berhad (TIME) is a data-centric, fixed-line telecommunications provider based
in Malaysia, with a business reach across the Asia-Pacific region. TIME, whose
track record dates back to 1996, was listed on Malaysia’s Main Market in 2001.
credibility has been built by providing best-in-class backhaul and wholesale
bandwidth to leading local, regional and global operators in Malaysia and the
Asia-Pacific region.
It also delivers
100% fibre optic-based telecommunications solutions, including private leased
lines and dedicated Internet services to large corporations, government
organisations and enterprises that demand state-of-the-art, always-on
Building on its
considerable experience serving enterprises and corporations, TIME’s strategic
expansion into the consumer segment has seen it offering Malaysia’s first-ever
100% fibre-optic broadband service to a mainly urban, affluent clientele.
high-speed, reliable and resilient services have spawned successful and
innovative partnerships with some of the country’s biggest consumer names.
TIME's Malaysian
business is anchored by its Cross Peninsular Cable System (CPCS™), a 6,000
kilometre-long advanced fibre optic network that traverses Malaysia, from
Thailand to Singapore.
Designed as a
fully meshed network, the CPCS™ is the most robust trans-border terrestrial
system ever built. Following extensive upgrades in 2012, TIME is the only
provider in Malaysia to have a next-generation, 100% IP|MPLS network.
TIME's regional
network is operated by its subsidiary, Global Transit Group (GT). GT's
content-rich network offers high-availability services to leading service
providers and enterprises across the region.
GT’s global
footprint includes Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and the US. With links in
international submarine cable systems such as UNITY and Asia Pacific Gateway
(APG), GT is able to connect Asia to the rest of the world.
TIME’s business
is further augmented by the AIMS Group of Companies. Strategically located in
the Malaysian capital's central business district, AIMS is an award-winning,
carrier-neutral data centre provider.
Home to all of
Malaysia's telecommunications providers and another 200 service providers, AIMS
is a premier choice for discerning customers. AIMS is also crucial in TIME’s
push to offer enhanced services, which range from data recovery to cloud
In 2012, TIME
was accorded the prestigious Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) certification, making
it one of just 47 international firms to win recognition for the performance,
interoperability and reliability of its network. TIME's compliance with global
standards ensures a link-up to any telecommunications network in the world.
TIME's 100%
fibre optic network, regional wholesale bandwidth nodes, stakes in
international submarine cable systems, and carrier-neutral data centres mean
TIME is able to deliver a comprehensive suite of telecommunications solutions
to meet fast-growing and rapidly-changing demand for connectivity.
How can jobs be
enriched? What elements of a job need to be enriched for it to produce desired
outcomes? J. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham (1980) developed a job
characteristics approach to job enrichment. The model is based on the
assumption that jobs can be designed not only to help workers get enjoyment
from their jobs but also to help workers feel that they are doing meaningful
and valuable work. Specifically, the model identifies five core job
characteristics that help create three critical psychological states, leading,
in turn, to several personal and work outcomes (see Figure 1).

FIGURE 1: Job Enrichment Model
of the Model
five core job characteristics are skill variety, task identity, task
and job feedback. Let’s examine each one of these more closely.
Skill variety. Skill variety is the
degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities and involves
the use of a number of different skills and talents of the employee. Jobs that
are high in skill variety are seen by employees as: more challenging because of
the range of skills involved; relieve monotony that results from repetitive
activity; and gives employees a greater sense of competence. For example, an
administrative assistant with high skill variety may have to perform many
different tasks (e.g., schedule meetings, make airline and hotel reservations,
do research, prepare written reports, and meet with customers).
Task identity. Task identity is the
degree to which a job requires completion of a “whole” and identifiable piece
of work—that is, doing a job from beginning to end with a visible outcome. When
employees work on a small part of the whole, they are unable to identify any
finished product with their efforts. They cannot feel any sense of completion
or responsibility for the whole product. However, when tasks are broadened to
produce a whole product or an identifiable part of it, then task identity has
been established. For example, dress designers will have high task identity if
they do everything related to making the whole dress (e.g., measuring the
client, selecting the fabric, cutting and sewing the dress, and altering it to
fit the customer).
Task significance. Task significance is
the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other
people, whether those people are in the immediate organization or in the
external environment. For example, medical researchers working on a cure for a
terminal disease most likely recognize the importance of their work to society.
Even more modest contributions to an organization can be recognized as being
important to the extent that employees understand the role of their jobs to the
overall mission of the company. The point is that employees should believe they
are doing something important in their organization or society, or both.
Autonomy. Autonomy is the degree to
which the job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion to the
individual in scheduling the work and in determining the procedures to be used
in doing the work. It is considered fundamental in building a sense of
responsibility in employees. Although most employees are willing to work within
the broad constraints of an organization, employees want a certain degree of
freedom. Autonomy has become very important to people in the workplace. For
example, a salesperson is considered to be highly autonomous by scheduling his
or her own work day and deciding on the most effective approach to use for each
customer without supervision.
Job feedback. Job feedback is the
degree to which carrying out the work activities required by the job provides
the individual with direction and clear information about the effectiveness of
his or her performance. Feedback can be positive or negative, but it is best
when it is balanced appropriately. Feedback should occur frequently rather than
be delayed until the annual evaluation meeting. The only way employees can make
adjustments in their performance is to know how they are performing now, not
later. Feedback can come directly from the job itself, or it can be provided
verbally by management or other employees. For example, salespersons receive
information regularly about how many contacts they make per day or week and the
monetary value of sales made.
As shown in the
model (Figure 1), these core job characteristics have important effects on
various critical psychological states. For example, skill variety, task identity,
and task significance together contribute to a person’s experienced
meaningfulness of the work. Jobs that provide a great deal of autonomy are said
to contribute to a person’s experienced responsibility for outcomes of the
work. When they have the freedom to decide what to do and how to do it,
employees feel more responsible for the results. Finally, job feedback is said
to give employees knowledge of the actual results of work activities. When a
job is designed to provide employees with information about the effects of
their actions in the workplace, they are better able to develop an
understanding of how well they have performed—and such knowledge improves their
The job
characteristics model indicates that the three critical psychological states
affect various personal and work outcomes—namely, people’s internal work
motivation, growth satisfaction, general job satisfaction, and work
effectiveness. The higher the experienced meaningfulness of work; experienced
responsibility for outcomes of the work; and knowledge of the actual results of
work activities, the more positive the personal and work outcomes will be. When
employees perform jobs that incorporate high levels of the five core job
characteristics, they should feel highly motivated, be highly satisfied with
their jobs, and perform work effectively.
Based on the Hackman
and Oldham job characteristic model above this assignment explores the
influence of the model to TIME dotCom Berhad (TIME) operation and their
employees. This assignment also will identify and assessing the Core Job
Dimension (CJD) to measure the level
that presents in the TIME’s daily operation and their workers.
The Network Divison of TIME dotCom
Berhad (TIME) consists of full time
employee groups ranging from a manager, network engineers, technicians and
assistant technicians. Even though there is not a large pool of employees
present in this division, the author finds it interesting and important to
identify and assess CJD in the working environment. We will analyze the
presence of CJD according to the different group of employees respectively.
a) Network Engineers
The engineers are responsible for
the main Remote Access Server, routers and health and safety aspects of distribution
frame. They ensure that these services performed effectively and efficiently
during the company’s projects. The role includes the design and maintenance of switches,
routers and other networking devices, the distribution of internet and LAN and
the provision of power supply.
Skill Variety
the layout of network topography, routers and networking systems.
Technical, Computer Science, Creativity skills including physics.
writing skills and making presentations & attending meetings with
skills and analytical thinking.
Task Identity
Organize and oversee the construction,
operation and maintenance of mechanical and process plant and installations,
establish programs for the coordination of manufacturing activities.
Coordinate and oversee each and every task in completing jobs.
Task Significance
The engineer appreciates his job in
generating, transmitting and using the internet that powers the world.
work measurement and analyze work samples to develop standards for labor
and Decision Making in considering the relative costs and benefits of
potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.
Direct and clear information from the job
about the effectiveness of his performance from the manager and clients.
b) Technicians
Technicians in TIME dotCom
Berhad assist in engineering research,
design, manufacture, construction, operation and maintenance of networking,
manufacturing equipment, mechanical installations and facilities. They prepare drawings, plans and designs for network
engineering work under the direction of the engineer. They also responsible in
selecting tools and equipment, assembling and installing new and modified routers,
switches, access point (AP) and maintaining the fiber facilities.
Skill Variety
techniques, tools, and principals involved in installment of precision
technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models.
in machines and tools, including their designs, repair, and maintenance.
in methods and the tools involved in the construction or repair of routers,
switches, or other networking devices.
Task Identity
assist and involve throughout the construction, operation and maintenance of installation
networking devices. Produces a final set of accurate drawings for each stage
of the production process.
Task Significance
fill the gap between the significant tasks performed by engineers and assistant
part is essential to complete any work carried out by the company.
with engineers the best way to develop and plan a design, and once the design
has been created, independently create the drawings that engineer use as
reference when developing a network topography.
undertake some basic administrative work such as creating and updating lists
of parts without direct instructions.
Direct and clear information from the job
about the effectiveness of his performance from the manager and engineer.
c. Assistant Technicians
Assistant Technicians
in TIME dotCom Berhad does odd
jobs such as cleaning, jointing, repairing and maintain cables, grounds and
facilities. Works like fixing any safety hazards, putting together equipment,
installing small networking devices and
Wi-Fi as well as doing minor cable management and spraying also done by these assistant
technicians. They also maintain work records; operates trucks and related cable
maintenance equipment; keeps tools and equipment in clean and safe working conditions;
responds to emergency calls after normal duty hours. They often assist
technicians in completing given tasks successfully.
Skill Variety
capable of moving cables and equipment
management, jointing, fiber splicing, spraying and electrical skills
hand and power tools in a safe and effective manner
Task Identity
cables, fibers, and cooper, check quality levels, replace jointer, and
perform other maintenance actions, following checklists.
routine preventive maintenance to ensure that cables continue to run
smoothly, networking devices operate efficiently, and the physical condition
of network topography does not deteriorate.
Task Significance
call to respond to emergency issues like power failures, broken cables,
breakdown etc.
immediately to fire alarm systems; disengage electrical, water, or gas
systems to protect devices and property.
and lay out repair work using diagrams, drawings, blueprints, maintenance
manuals, and schematic diagrams.
repair requests and plans work to ensure necessary parts are available and
tasks are completed quickly and efficiently.
v (Subject to approval from superiors)
Direct and clear
information from the job about the effectiveness of his performance from the
manager, engineer and technician.
Upon identifying and assessing the levels of
CJD, CPS and PWO according to Hackman and Oldham’s The Job Characteristics
Model, this paper will provides a few recommendations that can be achieved for TIME
dotCom Berhad. These recommendations
are to improve CJD of the group of workers in order to increase their CPS.
Job Rotation – the company must take measures to enable workers the opportunity to
use a variety of skills, and perform different kinds of work. The most common
way to do this is through job rotation. Engineers, technicians and handyman
must be moved through a variety of jobs that allow them to learn different
skills and acquire different experiences. This can be very motivating,
especially to these people who are in jobs that are very repetitive.
Combine Tasks - Work activities should be combined to provide jobs that are more
challenging and complex. Task identity can be improved because engineers,
technicians and assistant technicians will involve in a job through from start
to finish. This allows them to understand the work seem more meaningful and important.
Expanding their roles gives them responsibility for the entire process and let
them experience meaningfulness towards their work. This state will lead to high
quality work performance from them.
Participative Management - The
Company may permit specialists and professionals to partake in choice making
and get included in arranging of undertaking endeavors. This is a great
approach to make them understand that their info is vital. It can work in such
little organization, with a chief/manager who holds a nearby and immediate
correspondence with all the representatives. Helping the association's general
business objectives can give representatives a clearer feeling of their part
(e.g., how their work fits into the greater picture) and the essentialness and
significance of their work to business objectives.
Need For Growth - The administration ought to guarantee that the
aftereffects of work done are precisely encouraged once more to workers and profoundly
obvious therefore permitting unhindered sentiment. The extent that this would
be possible this sentiment ought to be a characteristic, on-going a piece of
the employment not the sort which is given by a predominant in a vocation
evaluation. Attention ought to be put on expanding the open doors for
development. These change starting with one worker then onto the next so the
procedure ought to be organized to incorporate data from the single person.
more on leveraging employee’s strengths than trying to fix their weaknesses - At the point when offering sentiment to
representatives, it’s just characteristic to need to say components of a
worker's execution that need some change. A
better approach to TIME dotCom Berhad is to take a gander at the ranges where representatives are exceeding
expectations to discover why they are performing so well in that specific
errand, and evaluating how that might be connected to the piece of their work
they are experiencing issues with. This will permit the organization to help
their representatives to figure out how to utilize their qualities crosswise
over diverse zones, while picking up a finer thankfulness for what parts of
their work will oblige the assistance of their associates for them to finish
the errand. It's critical to recall that the open door for development for
workers lies not in tending to their shortcomings, yet on building their
capacity to help their current qualities.
Job enrichment is a job-design strategy for enhancing job content
by building into it more motivating potential. Expanding on the work of Richard
Hackman and Greg Oldham provide an explicit framework for enriching jobs. Based
on their own work and the work of others, they developed a job characteristics
model. In particular, the model specifies that enriching certain elements of
jobs alters people’s psychological states in a manner that enhances their work
As evidenced by this study using Hackman and Oldham’s Job
Characteristics Model, Core Job Dimension influence employee’s Critical
Psychological States and these factors ultimately lead to Personal and Work
Outcomes of employees. Job satisfaction can contribute to multiple
organizational gains and has been associated with increased internal work motivation,
quality performance and low absenteeism or turnover. This ultimately benefits
the organization such as CBM Engineering Services in terms of excellent
performance and increased productivity.
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