
CBMT 2103
Multimedia refers to content that uses a
combination of different content forms. This contrasts with media that use only
rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed
or hand-produced material. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio,
still images, animation, video, or interactivity content forms.
The term multimedia was coined by singer and
artist Bob Goldstein (later 'Bobb Goldsteinn') to promote the July 1966 opening
of his "LightWorks at L'Oursin" show at Southampton, Long Island.
Goldstein was perhaps aware of a British artist named Dick Higgins, who had two
years previously discussed a new approach to art-making he called "intermedia."
Since media is the plural of medium, the
term "multimedia" is used to describe multiple occurrences of only
one form of media such as a collection of audio CDs. This is why it's important
that the word "multimedia" is used exclusively to describe multiple
forms of media and content.
The Internet is
rapidly becoming a key resource for locating information relevant to a
particular field, engaging in professional discourse, accessing published
material, and checking on tomorrow's weather. It has become the foundation for
tomorrow's electronic community, providing access to government, media,
scientists, and friends and relatives. Access to the Internet is now becoming a
requirement of doing business for many enterprises. Commercial use of the
Internet is one of its fastest growing uses. Several factors have led to the
dramatic increase in the size of Internet including increased bandwidth,
relaxation of government restrictions, and less expensive connection options.
One major factor which has led to the popularization of the Internet is the
World Wide Web (WWW), which provides a hypermedia layer over information and
resources available on the Internet.
The current
Internet connects over 2 million hosts and nearly 25 million users on every
continent in the world. Through the Internet, users can access the latest
weather maps of North America, check the New York Stock Exchange quotes for the
day, send electronic mail to colleagues on the other side of the world, browse
through digital shopping centers, check out the latest electronic magazines,
download images from a travelogue on eclectic tourist stops in the Southwest
United States, among many other uses.
The history of
the Internet begins with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s.
Initial concepts of packet networking originated in several computer science
laboratories in the United States, Great Britain, and France. The US Department
of Defense awarded contracts as early as the 1960s for packet network systems,
including the development of the ARPANET (which would become the first network
to use the Internet Protocol.) The first message was sent over the ARPANET from
computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory at University of
California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to the second network node at Stanford Research
Institute (SRI).
Since the
mid-1990s, the Internet has had a revolutionary impact on culture and commerce,
including the rise of near-instant communication by electronic mail, instant
messaging, voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone calls, two-way
interactive video calls, and the World Wide Web with its discussion forums,
blogs, social networking, and online shopping sites. The research and education
community continues to develop and use advanced networks such as NSF's very
high speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS), Internet2, and National LambdaRail.
Increasing amounts of data are transmitted at higher and higher speeds over
fiber optic networks operating at 1-Gbit/s, 10-Gbit/s, or more. The Internet's
takeover of the global communication landscape was almost instant in historical
terms: it only communicated 1% of the information flowing through two-way
telecommunications networks in the year 1993, already 51% by 2000, and more
than 97% of the telecommunicated information by 2007. Today the Internet
continues to grow, driven by ever greater amounts of online information,
commerce, entertainment, and social networking.
The onset of
Globalization has increased and expanded the need for people, places and things
to be able to communicate and work together.
Essentially, it has improved the way how we do business thus, widening
the gateway to other cultures and economies.
Consequently, increasing the market economy on a global scale opening
our doors to other diverse groups. In
today's age driven by technology, education has adopted this form of
methodology to deliver learning in both the asynchronous and synchronous environments. This is in itself the information highway,
which continues to improve the lives of people and cultures.
Many businesses
are now using the Internet as a portal to learning and implementing
instructional design training for their employees. This creates better working
environments, increased productivity and enhances our knowledge base as a
workforce. I have known people who have used the Internet to research topics on
diseases, food, herbs, lifestyles and other materials and they have become
better informed about various subjects and topics.
The internet
continues to improve the lives of many as a result of giving us the opportunity
to connect us and direct us to do our own research on any subject. It's a tool to reach out to other people,
places and things, shop, learn, or simply for fun and interest groups. As the
age of technology continues to unfold the Internet will continue to improve our
quality of life in the community and the global market.
One example,
which is evident is the new revolution of video players referred to as
"gamers" who continue to evolve and revolutionize the way in how we
play. This new group of individuals is
not only revolutionizing this market but also helping to create solutions for
the world in such areas as poverty, world peace, famine, disease and cultural
The Internet can
be explained as a network of computers, designed to receive and send data in
the form of e-mails, blogs, webcasts, etc. To put it simply, it can be likened
to a super-massive server, armed with a plethora of information which is used
by billions of people simultaneously. The Internet is basically a network that
connects other, smaller networks. All modern technologies are connected by the
Internet, thereby leaving no stone unturned. This digital world can be a
playground for some and a battlefield for others.
The Internet has
become an indispensable business tool, which has helped bring the world closer.
Receiving news from across the world, accessing knowledge resources, and
shopping online are simply a click away. The Internet has tremendous potential
and a lot to offer in terms of services. However, like every other innovation
in science and technology, the Internet comes with its own advantages and disadvantages,
which will be discuss in this article.
The Positive
a) Faster Communication
The Internet has been mankind's greatest means of communication yet.
Newer innovations are only making it faster and more reliable. Today, we can
initiate real-time communication with someone who is in another part of the
For more personal and interactive communication, it is possible to avail
the facilities of video conferencing, chat and messenger services. With the
help of these services, the geographically fragmented countries have come
together to form a community that is able to share its thoughts on global
issues, that affect each and every one of us. The Internet has given us a
common platform and medium through which we are able to explore other cultures
and ideologies.
b) Abundant Information Resources
The Internet is a treasure trove of information; which offers knowledge
on any given topic under the sun. Search engines make information accessible on
various subject matters such as, government law and services, trade fairs and
conferences, market information, new innovations and technical support, and
even dispense advice on love and relationships matters.
It has become common practice to seek assistance from the web in order to
research and gather resources for homework, office presentations, and
supplement ones own research. The web also updates news about the latest
breakthroughs in the field of medicine, technology, and other domains of
science. Numerous websites such as America's Doctor, have made it possible to
seek online advice from specialist doctors without having to actually fix an
c) Inexhaustible Education
The Internet has become an essential propagator of knowledge, both
through free as well as paid services. The credibility of this form of
education and whether it is safe, secure, and trustworthy, is usually proven
through the quality and authenticity of content presented by each website. The
World Wide Web has become a remarkable avenue for the academically
unprivileged, to amass greater knowledge and know-how on subjects.
The entire scope of homeschooling has expanded because of increased
accessibility to videos of teachers giving lectures, showing diagrams and
explaining concepts, much like a real classroom. Nonprofit organizations too
have opened websites that seek volunteers and donations in order to help the
ones in need. There are also sites like Wikipedia, Coursera, Babbel, Archive,
and Teachertube, among others, that have dedicated themselves to the art of
imparting knowledge to people of all age groups.
d) Entertainment for Everyone
Entertainment is one of the foremost reasons why people prefer surfing
the Web. In fact, the Internet has gained much success by marketing for several
multifaceted entertainment industries. Finding the latest updates about
celebrities and exploring lifestyle websites have become day-to-day activities
of many Internet consumers. On the other hand, even celebrities are using the
Internet effectively for promoting their cause and for keeping their fans
There are innumerable games that can be download, either for a price or
for free. Indeed, online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal success
because of its ever-increasing demand throughout the world.
e) Social Networking and Staying Connected
One cannot imagine a social life without Facebook or Twitter. These
portals have become our means to stay connected with friends and family, and
stay in touch with the latest happenings in the world. Social networking has
also evolved as a great medium to connect with like-minded individuals and
become a part of interesting groups and communities.
Apart from finding long-lost friends, the Internet also makes it easier
to search and apply for jobs and business opportunities on forums and
communities. There are public chat rooms where users can meet new people. For
those who are single, the Internet also provides the option to select a
suitable dating partner through secure online profiles that can be filtered as
per personal preferences.
The Negative
a) Theft of Personal Information
The use of Internet for banking, social networking, or other services,
often makes our personal information vulnerable to theft. There are no
fail-proof ways to securing names, account numbers, addresses, photos, and credit
card numbers from being stolen or misused by thieving websites and individuals.
Unscrupulous hackers can access our sensitive information through
unsecured connections by planting phishing software. Needless to say, the
damage caused by having our identities misused and our accounts broken into, is
often irreparable and most of all, embarrassing.
b) Spamming
Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails, which serve no purpose and
needlessly obstruct the computer system. Such illegal activities can be very
frustrating as it makes it slower to access our email accounts and makes the
entire service unreliable for consumers.
Spammers usually use bots that bombard the receiver with an endless line
of advertisements. This can prove to be increasingly perplexing, as it keeps
getting mixed with our more important emails. Fortunately, email service
providers often have security systems in place to guard against spamming.
Fortunately, it is possible to report an email as spam, so that all emails from
the same email id or IP address, are blocked.
c) Malware Threats
One of the most annoying problems with the Internet is the ease with
which any malware can infect our computers. Internet users are often plagued by
virus attacks that harm their computers and important files. Virus programs are
inconspicuous and may get activated simply by clicking a seemingly harmless
link. Computers connected to the Internet are extremely prone to IP targeted
virus attacks that may end up crashing the system completely.
Internet virus can be of three types. The first type of virus affects
files and goes directly for a particular file or file type. The second type
harms system and executable boot files. These can be particularly nasty, as
they can effectively stop the computer from starting again. Lastly, there's the
macro virus, which is the most common as well as the most harmless of them all.
The macro virus simply keep changing things like symbols on word files. The
type of virus that can replicate and spread itself is known as worms. When a
virus is disguised as something else, it's known as a Trojan.
d) Age-inappropriate Content
Pornography and age-inappropriate content is perhaps the biggest
disadvantage of the Internet. The worst being underage porn, which is largely
rampant in the deeper parts of the web. It is the lack of control over the
distribution and unrestricted access of pornographic material that is
detrimental to children. All that parents can do, is lock harmful sites and
monitor the sites viewed by their children.
Pornography is not just frowned upon by most societies, it's also banned
by some. The Internet makes uploading shocking content so easy, that we end up
coming across inappropriate words and images, despite not wanting to.
e) Social Isolation, Obesity, and Depression
The biggest problem with having the Internet is, its ability to create
rifts between the real and virtual world. The virtual world can often seem so
alluring that once hooked, going back to real life seems daunting.
There is an addiction for everything that pertains to the web and that
includes excessive surfing, online gambling, social networking, and gaming
addiction. There are now psychiatric clinics and doctors that specifically
cater to resolving the problems created by the Internet. These addictions
create both physical as well as mental issues that can lead to health
complications if left unattended. It is ironic that, while it is easy to find
plenty of online support for agoraphobia, the Internet itself can be a big
cause or trigger for it.
The link between obesity and the Internet is rather easy to understand.
The more one sits in front of the computer, the lesser one exercises. At the
end of the longish list of physical and emotional maladies, is depression.
Since all problems are so deeply linked with one another and with the Internet,
it isn't uncommon for people to be afflicted with multiple issues. Recent
studies and research have gone deep enough to actually differentiate between
compulsive Internet use and excessive Internet use. Furthermore, thanks to
smartphones, holding a simple face-to-face conversation seems out of the
ordinary as compared to chatting online.
Naturally, there
are some disadvantages with the WWW. The disadvantages are:
1. Control of who uses the web
WWW is typically a wide open free for all type environment. There is no reason
that Login privileges cannot be attached to the web server. This would limit
the users to those individuals who are authorized (pronounced paid) for the
right to use the course.
is quite common to have the first course module open to the public for
evaluation. If Joe Q. Public is interested, than further modules will carry a
cost and enrollment.
2. Keeping documents proprietary
if a HTML file can be downloaded it can be copied. This can be a big factor in
making a decision on whether you want to put your lifeblood on the net. The
solution can be to make many small files (which will happen naturally) which
makes it next to impossible to copy all the files. For example, the small Ohm's
law demo contains 24 files. It may become logistically impractical to download
a complete curriculum.
tact is to have a large secure question databank. If the questions and answers
are controlled, then the HTML files become reference material.
Managing the HTML files
thing that you will notice is how quickly the number of HTML files grow. A big
problem is keeping track of the files, and the HTML "tree". There are
programs available that will trace a HTML tree. The problem is tracking where
the links go to.
area of concern is the naming of HTML files. A "standard" naming
convention must be decided at the beginning of the development so that it is
easy to track which file belongs to which. Another consideration is upper and
lower case letters for filenames. UNIX is case sensitive whereas DOS is not.
Someone who mixes upper and lower case letters in DOS will soon find that UNIX
will hiccup on the filenames.
An attempt has
been made in this paper to bring to the fore the applications of multimedia in
business. The central theme of the paper is improving World Wide Web and how it
can be achieved most effectively using multimedia. The main emphasis for
improving productivity and quality is to bring the people and various elements
of the systems together. Multimedia should be an excellent tool for this.
Multimedia can also improve the effectiveness of business. The lead-time for
transferring information, material and services can be reduced by an
interactive multimedia application. Future applications such as video groupware
will push video servers into the mainstream. The emergence of broadband
networks for residential and business customers enable a wide range of new
interactive services. For consumers, these new services might include movies on
demand, networked multi-player video games, and interactive shopping via TV.
Business applications might include broadcast-quality video teleconferencing,
distance learning, and telecommuting.
(2940 WORDS)
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